40.Seconds To Save Her

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I know there's a way
There's just seconds to save her
(Our Waking Hour-Seconds To Save Her)

Mount Weather was the highest peak of Arkadia. It was famous for the several caves dig by miners during the gold-rush in 19th Century. The underground was indeed thought to be full of gold, but it wasn't. There was some gold, but it wasn't too much and the majority of miners decided to move to Klondike or Yukon rather than risk their life for nothing. The path to Mount Weather crossed the wide and wild birch and coniferous forests of the region and that surrounded Shallow Valley and the small village of Rendon. At the summit there was the spring of river Doah, that flowed into lake Nopar. Lexa sighed. She felt so small before the majesty of that mountain. She shook her head and put her hands in her pockets. She turned. Behind her, Wick smiled at her in a reassuring way.

"I can't believe that you asked Indra to let me come with you." he said.

"Roan told me to do it. He admires you a lot, Wick. It's unusual for him, he doesn't let people in so easily.". Wick smiled, proud of himself.

"He admires you too, Lexa. He cares about you. He loves you, in such a genuine and pure way." he said. Lexa scoffed.

"I betrayed him. I don't deserve his love."

"The point is that nobody deserves anybody's love." Wick replied. Lexa nodded. She looked around. Indra, Gustus, Octavia were way before them, while Miller and Anya were behind them. Lexa went next to Wick, in order to talk to him without being heard by the cops. The small group kept walking, finding themselves knee-deep in the snow.

"Luna told me about you before Costia's death." Lexa confessed.

"About me? She didn't want anybody to know about me." Wick said, confused. Lexa scratched her own chin.

"Back in Polis Luna and I were really close. Her father is one of the members of Kongeda's Council, so we basically grew up together, even if we became friends just a few years ago. She knew she could trust me. She told me about her idea of transforming Grounders into something more than a bunch of burglairs and pushers and that's when she revealed me about you. She really cares about you, Wick. She considers you one of us.". The man sighed. He missed his clan. He wondered how Luna, Derrick, Shay and his other companions were doing. He missed them so much and the sudden fear of not being able to see them again in the future caused Wick to feel a lump in his throat. A tear rolled down his right cheek and the man immediately wiped it with his hand. He didn't want to look weak, not in front of Lexa. The woman put a hand on his shoulder in a really reassuring way. She smiled at him, saying nothing. There was no need of doing it.

"So, where is your so called friend?" Indra asked, harsh. She had stopped walking and was looking around, in search of a sign of life. Wick smirked.

"Roan is here around. I just have to call him." he answered.

"You two were very smart, Mister Wick." Indra said, pointing at the man. "Deciding a place of hiding and assuring that only one of you two knows it in order to secure you a getaway from prison was a very brilliant move, I have to admit it."

"Roan isn't clueless, agent Birch." Lexa said. Anya scoffed.

"Yeah, he's worthy of you." she huffed. Miller hit her elbow, but it was too late. Lexa shook her head.

"Using people in order to advantage yourself is so worthy of you." the blonde keep talking, harsh.

"Anya..." Octavia tried to stop her, in vain.

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