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I'm going home
To the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
So, I'm going home
Well, I'm going home

Lexa was sleeping, when she heard the door slowly opening with a creak and the sound of tiny footsteps entering her room. She smiled and pretended to keep sleeping.

"Shh, keep quiet." she heard Clarke whispering, probably to Aden.

"Can I wake her up?" the child asked, trying to lower his voice as much as possible. Lexa bit her own lip hard in order to force herself not to turn and ruin whatever surprise they had set up for her.

"Careful kids. One, two, three." Clarke counted. Lexa heard her girlfriend and the kids taking a deep breath and mentally prepared herself to what would have come. How did she have forget about that day?

"Happy birthday!" Clarke, Madi and Aden shouted at unison. Lexa turned and hid her face under the blankets, blushing. Clarke was holding a chocolate pie between her hands, widely smiling. At the center of the cake there were two small burning candles. Aden didn't wait for the blonde to hand the plate to Lexa and jumped on her, causing the brunette to hiss in pain.

"Aden, be careful!" Madi scolded him, but Lexa gestured her to keep calm. She took the cake and put it before her, helping Aden to adjust on her lap.

"Blow out the candles, mama!" the child exhorted her. Lexa looked at him, then at Clarke and Madi. They both nodded and, taken a deep breath, Lexa blew out the candles. Surprisingly, Madi too jumped on her, hugging her tightly.

"Hold on guys, we don't want the cake to end on the floor." Clarke said, saving the pie from falling on the ground. She put the plate on the nightstand and cut a piece of cake, giving it to Lexa.

"I want it too!" Aden complained, pouting. Clarke patted his head and giggled, while Lexa closed him in a sweet embrace from behind and kissed his nape.

"Wait a moment, little man." the blonde told him, while cutting some cake for him.

"Chocolate pie, my favorite one. How did you know?" Lexa asked, chocolate all over her mouth.

"Madi told me." Clarke answered, while giving some cake to Aden. The child started eating voraciously, causing the two women and his sister to laugh.

"You'll choke eating like that!" Madi scolded him, inviting him to slow down. Aden rolled his eyes and snorted, snuggling up Lexa's chest. The woman gestured Clarke to sit down next to her and the blonde obliged, kissing her cheek.

She then grabbed the plate with the cake from the nightstand and put it on the bed. She hated eating while in bed, but that day she would have made an exception. It was Lexa's birthday after all.

"You know we're late, don't you?" the brunette said, staring at the wall in front of her. She was laying her head on Clarke's shoulder, while Aden was on her lap and Madi was laying on her side and she would have paid to stay all day like that.

"Yes, as always." Clarke stated. "But you know how they say: the birthday girl is never late.". Lexa chuckled and shook her head.

"Never heard of this expression Clarke." she told her. "But I kinda like it.".


"Lexa! Happy birthday!" Abby greeted the younger woman, holding her tightly.

"Th-thank you." Lexa stuttered, a bit uncomfortable. She wasn't still used to all that affection towards her.

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