14.Hurt Less

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I just don't want to be alone
And as long as you're not tired yet
Of talking, it helps to make it hurt less
(Julien Baker-Hurt Less)

"Good morning." Octavia greeted everyone at the station. She was really sleepy and all she wanted was going to bed again.

"Hello Blake! Late night, uh? Who did you have fun with tonight? Oh, let me guess, he works in a very boring café and he has a very small..."

"Collins, if you don't close that fucking mouth, I will close it by myself." Octavia threatened him, sitting down at her desk. She massaged her temple and yawned. She didn't sleep so much the last few nights. It wasn't totally her fault. She celebrated New Year's Eve two days before and she went to bed around six in the morning, while that night her dog started barking desperately. Clarke was working at the hospital and Octavia couldn't calm it. So yes, she didn't sleep properly thanks to someone called Spike.

"Hey partner! I brought you some coffee." Anya said, giving her the hot drink.

"Thanks Anya. This night was a mess, probably Clarke slept more than me." Octavia told her friend. Anya sat next to her. She looked concerned.

"Raven phoned her yesterday. You know, she didn't come to Monty's on New Year's Eve."

"As usual, An."

"Yes, I know, but normally she feels well the day after. She started being workaholic again, didn't she?". Octavia sighed. She nodded.

"But she promised me that next week she won't work. I talked to Abby, she is a bit worried too, but she told me that we need to keep calm and just love her." the brunette explained. Anya bit her lip. She was saying something, when Jasper suddenly appeared and walked to them.

"Hello detectives." he greeted them, kindly.

"Hi Jasper. How are you today?" Octavia asked his friend.

"I'm fine. Don't you ask me how does Maya feel?". The woman shook her head. She always forgot to do it.

"How does Maya feel, Jasper?". The police officer smiled. He was so happy to talk about his lovely girlfriend. He loved her so much.

"She feels great. She is at home at the moment." he answered.

"Why aren't you with her, freak?" Finn questioned, with a really annoying tone. Octavia had to stop Anya to punch him on the face.

"Just joking, you're too sensitive." he commented, before going in another room.

"I fucking hate him." Anya hissed, sitting again. She started signing some papers and snorted. She had forgotten about Kara Cooper's chicken.

"It's been missing for almost a month. Soon a new chicken will vanish and she will go crazy."

"So, Sherlock, do you have any idea? Probably it was a wolf or a cat. She lives near the woods, it wouldn't be strange." Octavia told her. Anya shook her head.

"I don't know. I mean, yes, maybe you're right, but what if there is a serial killer who kills chickens?" Anya assumed. Octavia blinked twice. She couldn't believe she had really heard those words.

"Anya, are you serious? A serial killer who kills chickens?". The brunette was incredulous.

"Well, why not? This town is so dead, some people just need to have fun." Anya explained. Octavia rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her partner. That conversation was becoming surreal. She sighed and leant on the chair.

"Blake, Woods, with me!" a voice ordered. The two women turned. In front of them a bald dark skin guy stood still, with a concerned look on his face.

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