25.Start Of Something Good

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Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that this could be the start of something good
(Daughtry-Start Of Something Good)

Octavia got out of the car, followed by Anya. It was freezing and the last thing that she wanted was to leave that warm vehicle, but she had no choice. Nathan Miller greeted her with enthusiasm, happy to have a reason to distance himself from Finn Collins.

"Blake, Woods, good morning."

"Miller, there has been another homicide, it's not a good morning, at all." Anya replied. "What do we have here?" she asked then, serious.

"A man on his forty or thirty, we don't really know. The killer stabbed him to death, as usual. The forensics told us that he probably died far from here, but they don't really know. We couldn't find any sort of identification, so we don't know his name, age or where he was from." Miller explained.

"Who found the body?" Octavia asked.

"Vinson in person. As you know, he lives not far from here, Finn has already questioned him." Miller answered, pointing at a tall guy next to Collins. "Do you want to talk to him?"

"Yes, thank you." Anya said, motioning Finn to bring the witness to them. The police officer obeyed and looked at Octavia with a grin on his face. The detective rolled her eyes. She had no regrets for having kicked him, he deserved it, but when Pike had reproached her for having acted that way, she had understood that he had, once again, won. She hated him. He was a bully and she hated bullies. She couldn't understand how it was possible for Pike to like him. The sheriff adored Finn, he put him on a pedestal, despite his horrible behavior. Octavia shook her head, trying to focus on what Vinson was saying.

"I was walking, when my dog started running. He stopped next to that tree and then I saw the body. That's all." the man explained.

"Have you noticed something strange yesterday?" Anya asked. The man shook his head.

"Everything was normal, Miss Cooper was a bit nervous about her chickens, as usual, but there was nothing strange. I haven't met or seen anybody who I didn't know, everything was quiet as usual." he stated.

Octavia sighed and glanced at Anya. They were at their wit's end.

"Thank you, Mister Vinson. Have a nice day." the woman waved him goodbye.

"Before you go, can you tell us something about Kara Cooper's vanished chickens?" Anya told the man, but Octavia glared at her. Vinson frowned and the blonde detective scratched her neck, a bit embarrassed. Octavia shook her head and turned. She noticed Pike talking with a woman and a man that she had never seen. The sheriff looked nervous and the reason was so clear to Octavia. That woman was really intimidating.

"Who are those people, Miller?" she asked.

"Oh, they are two federal agents."

"Two what?". Anya was incredulous.

"Apparently, Pike had to call them because of these homicides." Miller explained. Octavia waved a hand on her face. For a moment, she felt in a movie. She was so lost in her thoughts, that she had not seen Pike and the two federal agents approaching them. Anya tapped her shoulder, bringing her back to reality.

"Blake, Woods, these are federal agents Gustus Oak and Indra Birch. They come from Polis and will help us with this case." the sheriff introduced the man and the woman to the two detectives.

"Nice to meet you." Indra said politely, shaking Anya and Octavia's hands. She was a not too tall woman, with a really athletic bearing. She had short hair and dark skin and her eyes pictured a firm, but even melancholic gaze. There was something attractive in her, something really charismatic. On the other hand, there was Gustus. He was a tall and huge man with a long beard and Octavia found him a bit scary.

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