10.Bad To The Bone

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I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
(George Thorogood And The Destroyers-Bad To The Bone)

The man was eating a steak. He was totally bold and not very tall. The back of his head was fully tattooed and he had earrings on his lobes. His gaze was indecipherable, but his underlings knew that he could be the cruelest man on Earth. He had no clue in killing someone. Kongeda , the Coalition, was everything that he cared about. When the door suddenly opened, he had just finished his meal. A tall woman entered the room. She had grey hair and a blue, icy gaze. There was no soul in her eyes, they were just a mirror of death. Behind her, a young brunette woman leaned on the wall, a hand in a pocket and scars all over her face. She looked beautiful and crazy at the same time.

"Titus! Did you find her?" the oldest woman yelled. The man scoffed. He had known her for many years. He couldn't stand her. And she knew that, but she didn't care.

"Nia kom Azgeda, the pleasure is all yours." he said. The woman got nervous and hit the table with her hand. The plate fell on the floor and broke in thousand pieces.

"Chinese porcelain, what a pity. Nia, that was a really expensive plate."

"I don't care about your stupid dish, Titus. Where is her? Where is Heda? And where is the Natblida?" Nia asked. Her voice was the incarnation of pure evil. Titus shook his head. Nia Storm, known as Nia kom Azgeda by Kongeda's members, was a cold, soulless, evil woman. She had been known for her cruel behavior and her thirst of power. Despite her accepting the existence of Kongeda, it was no secret at all that she desired to submit all Grounders' clans under hers.  Grounders had decided in fact to create a coalition, unifying their twelve so called clans, Trikru, Floukru, Sangedakru, Yujleda, Boudalan, Trishanakru, Podakru, Ouskejan Kru, Delfikru, Ingranrona and Lowoda Kinron. They all worked together, helping each other to keep living and following their leader, their Heda. They were criminals, but with a code of honor. And then there was Azgeda. Nia's clan had always been known for its strange habits. They used to have a King or a Queen, something unthinkable for the other clans. No one should follow a different leader from Heda. No one, but Azgeda. When Nia had become Queen, she was only twenty four. In more than forty years, she had been able to build an empire and to make Azgeda the strongest of all clans. Everyone knew that Kongeda was the last obstacle to her to gain absolute power on the Country's criminal activities. And it would have meant that she would have reached absolute power on everything. The vanishing of Heda would have been a serious problem for Kongeda.

"So? Where is Lexa?" Nia insisted.

"We are looking for her and the Natblida. We will find her, don't worry." Titus said. He stood up and tried to leave the room, but the young brunette leaning on the wall suddenly reached him and grabbed him by his shirt. She pulled him against the wall and pointed a gun on his head.

"What do you think to do? Do you really want to shoot the Fleimkepa? Are you crazy?" Titus shouted. He was scared. Nia nodded to the brunette and Titus found himself on the floor. He stood up, adjusting his shirt.

"Who is she?" he asked, looking at the young woman. Nia smirked, a cold, icy grin appeared on her lips. There was nothing human on her face.

"Her name is Ontari. She is my Natblida, Titus. And she will become the next Heda if you don't find Lexa." she explained. Titus masked his horror.

"You can't act like this, Nia. Lexa is still alive, you have no right to come here and propose a new Heda. Also, I had already chosen her successor. I am the Fleimkepa, not you!" he shouted. Ontari spitted in disgust.

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