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Take time to realize
That your warmth is
Crashing down on me
(Colbie Caillat-Realize)

A sudden cry woke Raven up. Anya was screaming and kicking to literally no one, desperately. Raven was scared. It had been two days since her girlfriend started to be tormented by horrible nightmares. She gripped Anya's wrists and started calling her, hoping she would have woken up.

"Anya! Baby, please, open your eyes. Baby, please." she kept saying. Finally, Anya woke up and hid her face into Raven's neck. She burst in tears and the brunette couldn't help, but worry even more than before. She rocked her girlfriend and kissed her temple, waiting for her to calm.

"Baby, what's going on? Please, talk to me." she told her. Anya bit her lip in such a violent way, that she was afraid to wound it.

"Anya, please. You can't go on like this." Raven insisted. The blonde sighed. Her girlfriend was right, she knew it, but she had an order to obey to.

"Did something happen at work? Did someone harass you?" Raven kept asking. She was so worried. Anya sank her head into her hands, desperate. What was she supposed to do? She couldn't disobey Pike, but at the same time she couldn't keep avoiding her girlfriend. She gazed at Raven.

"It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you." she minimized, standing up. Raven grabbed her wrist and made her turn. She looked furious.

"I need to get dressed and go to work, Rae." Anya said.

"No, you need to talk to me!" Raven shouted. Anya swallowed. Yes, she needed it, but she couldn't.

"I'm sorry." she whispered. Raven couldn't help, but watch Anya disappear in the bathroom. She snorted and lied down to her bed again.

"Rae." Anya called her. "I love you, you know that?". Raven didn't look at her. She didn't even talk. She just stayed in her bed, waiting for Anya to go away. Once she was sure that she was alone, she got up and had breakfast. She barely drank her milk. She was so angry and worried. She couldn't understand why Anya didn't want to open up with her, her girlfriend. Raven couldn't handle that situation anymore. She stood up and got dressed and, locked the door, she got in the car. She started driving, headed to Clarke's. She knew that the blonde wasn't feeling well, but she didn't care. She needed her best friend. She knocked the door, waiting for Clarke to open it.

"Shit, she would be at the hospital." she cussed. She was going away, when a really sleepy Clarke opened the door and gazed at her. The blonde didn't look very well. Her hair was messy and there were two huge dark circles around her blue eyes.

"God Clarke, you look horrible!". The doctor rolled her eyes.

"Good morning to you too, Rae. Do you want to come inside? Or do you prefer to become a snowman?" she asked, ironic.

"I would be the most fabulous snowman of the town, but no thanks, I'd stick to your invitation." Raven stated, going inside the house. She took away her coat and sat on the sofa, while Spike welcomed her barking playfully. Suddenly, she started feeling guilty. She abandoned her best friend during those that were the most difficult days of the year for her. Clarke seemed to read the brunette's mind and sat next to her.

"Don't worry, Rae. I feel way better and the hospital sent me home for a week and a half." she reassured her friend.

"Lexa told me about what happened in the supermarket. You know that it wasn't your fault, don't you?". Clarke shook her head. She smiled, softly.

"No, I don't. But it's okay, Rae. I will, one day." she said. "Well, let's stop talking about me. What's the matter? Did you argue with Anya?"

"How do you know?" Raven asked.

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