24.Beautiful Dawn

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Teach me how to see when I close my eyes
Teach me to forgive and to apologize
Show me how to love in the darkest dark
There's only one way to mend a broken heart
(The Wailin' Jennys-Beautiful Dawn)

It's just a lunch, Clarke. Just a stupid lunch , the doctor tried to calm herself down. She had opened her wardrobe and she was staring at it, unable to chose how to get dressed. Fortunately, Octavia was at work. She didn't want anybody to know about her and Lexa. She had asked Raven and Bellamy not to talk with Anya, nor Echo, nor Charlotte about it, for several reasons. First of all, Madi didn't have to know anything at all. Clarke and Lexa didn't want to stab her in the back, of course, but it was important for them to understand well what they felt for each other before telling the kids about what was going on. Also, they didn't want Madi to find about it from anyone else. It was their place to tell her and that was something that Clarke really cared about. She didn't want to hurt Madi's feelings. She didn't want the girl to see her like Clarke had used to see Marcus when she was her age. Moreover, the two women wanted to be sure to feel something for each other before letting everyone know about them. Even if Lexa had told her that taking it slow wasn't possible, Clarke knew that they both needed to explore their feelings. They couldn't risk Madi and Aden to be attached to Clarke for her to vanish from their lives few days later. They had already suffered too much. And Lexa too.

"Spike no, please!" Clarke cried to her dog, that was chewing her favorite shirt. The little Miniature American Shepherd glanced at the blonde with a curious gaze, without understanding what was going on. Clarke bowed down at him and took the shirt from his mouth, incredulous. It was in pieces.

"Well, you gained a new toy." she stated. Spike barked happy and started to wag his tail. Clarke groaned and sat on her bed. She decided to follow plan B, calling Raven. She brought the phone to her ear and waited for her friend to answer.

"C'mon Rae." she begged.

" Clarke? Are you okay? " Raven worried.

"No... I mean, yes... Well..." the doctor rambled. "I don't know what to wear.".

" What do you... Oh. Yes, you don't know what to wear. " the brunette realized what Clarke meant. The blonde could hear a buzz of voices in the background.

"Rae, where are you?"

" At Callie's Café with Anya and Octavia. Don't worry, they don't know anything."
" What don't we know, Rae? " Clarke could hear Anya asking. She rolled her eyes, praying for Raven not to reveal the truth. Fortunately, the Latina was smart enough to understand that was the moment to stand up and continue that call outside the café.

" Clarke, are you still there? " she asked.

"Yes. And still with nothing to wear."

" What about that shirt that Octavia and I gave you for your birthday? " Raven suggested. Clarke turned to her dog, which seemed very happy of content of his new toy.

"Apparently, Spike liked it, too." she said.  Raven chuckled.

" That stupid dog... " she commented. " Where are you going, Clarke? Where do you want to bring her? "

"I want to go to Diyoza's restaurant. I know, it's not a five star restaurant, but..."

" I think that a casual look will be a perfect choice and that Diyoza's restaurant is a great place though, but you already know that. What are you so scared of, Clarke? It's just a lunch. ". The doctor sighed. Raven knew her too well and  Clarke loved and hated her at the same time for that.

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