51.Everything You Want

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I am everything you want
I am everything you need
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why
(Vertical Horizon-Everything You Want)

The alarm clock went off, causing Clarke to whine and hide her head under the pillow. After twenty seconds, however, she surrendered and turned off the alarm. She sighed. It was 6:00 in the morning and she would have loved to keep sleeping, staying  warm under the covers. Unfortunately, she had no choice. She got up and went to the bathroom. She had a shower and, after having gotten dressed, she went to the kitchen. Surprisingly, Octavia was already awake.

"Good morning, Clarkey." the brunette greeted her housemate. Clarke ignored her and prepared herself some coffee. She sat at the table and started having breakfast.

"Clarke, what's your plan? Pretending that I don't exist?" Octavia asked her, gaining no reaction. "Okay, as you want.". Clarke scoffed. She slammed her cup on the table and closed her fists. She was raging.

"As I want? Really, O? You have no idea of what Lexa and the kids are going through. Madi was just starting to feel better and thanks to your incredible idea of yesterday she spent the entire afternoon crying in her bed, sure that you were arresting her stepmother because of her. You know what? You should be proud of your incredibly great job!". Octavia swallowed, replying anything. "Oh, and let's talk about Lexa. She was so broken when she came back home, she couldn't even talk to me. All she could said was that I should have gone home. Congratulations O, really. Sorry if I don't want to talk to you this morning, very impolite from me."

"Clarke!" the brunette called her, in vain. Clarke had already gone out of the kitchen and was now in the bathroom, brushing her teeth.

"Don't be ridiculous, c'mon." Octavia told her, gaining no reaction at all. Clarke spit the toothpaste in the sink and rinsed her mouth. She wiped her face and, put her coat on, she headed to the door. Spike joined her, probably hoping for a walk.

"Not today my friend. I have to go." she told the dog, caressing his ears.

"Clarke, can you please talk to me instead of Spike?" Octavia insisted. The blonde angrily scoffed and turned to her. Octavia had never seen her in such a state. They had fought a lot through the years of course, as two friends normally do, but Clarke had never been so mad at her.

"I'm here. I'm all ears, tell me something.". The brunette rubbed her neck nervously, biting her lip.

"Clarke, you have to understand that yesterday we had to ask her some questions about her past life. It was work, I couldn't..."

"You and Raven are my best friend, O. And best friends don't act this way! You scared those kids, you scared her and you scared me! And for what?"

"I can't... God!". Octavia wanted to cry. She desired so much to tell Clarke the truth, but she couldn't. She thought about the investigation on Pike. If Clarke would have found out the truth about her father's death, she would have strangled her.

"Clarke, I love you like the sister I never had, but I have duties." she simply said.

"Yeah, I understand. And I have the right to not listen to you." Clarke retorted. She opened the door and went out, slamming it and leaving Octavia utterly frozen, with Spike next to her.

"You don't know how lucky you are to be a dog." she told him, sighing and heading to the bathroom. Spike barked, but nobody heard him. He laid on the floor, yawing and thinking that there was nothing stranger than human beings.

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