26.Only Wanna Be With You

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Well there's nothing I can do
I only wanna be with you
(Hootie & The Blowfish-Only Wanna Be With You)

"Lexa, I'm going to Charlotte." Madi announced, while the woman was nervously waiting for Anya and Raven to show up and fetch Aden.

"What's the problem?" the girl asked, noticing that Lexa was really anxious. The woman turned to the teen, faking a smile. She was so nervous for that night.

"I'm a bit tired, that's all." she lied. "Please, be nice and have fun. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Madi said, leaving the house. Lexa sighed and sat on the sofa. Aden was on the floor, playing with some toy cars. He gazed curious at his mama, who smiled back. She got up and headed to her room, followed by the child.

"What are you doing?" he asked her, as she opened the wardrobe.

"I'm looking for a dress. What do you think about this?". Aden frowned, trying to understand why his mama should have worn a blue dress.

"Don't you like it? Well, you're right, it's too cold for a dress. What about this white shirt and this pair of blue trousers? Maybe I could also wear this blazer.". Aden shrugged, a toy car in his tiny hand. He was only five years old, he didn't even know what Lexa was talking about. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Aden ran downstairs and opened the door. Anya stood in front of him, a smile on her lips. She was starting to adore his little nephew.

"Hi little man! Are you ready for a funny night with your aunt-... Lexa, what the heck?". Her sister was stunning. She was wearing a white shirt, some beige trousers and a blue blazer. She had a golden necklace around her neck and a pair of earrings at her lobes. Lexa blushed as she joined Aden and her sister, a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I couldn't stop her." Raven said behind Anya's back.

"You told us that you would have hanged out with Clarke, but I didn't understand that you meant in this sense.". Lexa glanced at Raven, searching for help. She bit her lip.

"I didn't want to hide it from you, I just need to understand myself what I really feel for her. And don't be mad at Raven, she figured it out by herself." she explained. Anya scoffed and put a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"I'm happy for you, I hope it will work, you both deserve it."

"Thank you." Lexa whispered. "I have to go.".

"Have fun!" Raven waved her goodbye. When her girlfriend's sister had left the house, she turned to Anya.

"You will pay for this, you know." the blonde told her, with a smirk on her lips. Raven grinned.

"I can't wait.".


When the doorbell rang, Clarke was in the bathroom, finishing to prepare herself. She was staring at the mirror, questioning herself if she was pretty enough. She was going to the door, but Octavia anticipated her. The brunette couldn't mask her surprise seeing Lexa in front of her. She frowned, confused.

"Lexa, oh... Do you want to come in? I thought that I would have opened to the mysterious person Clarke is going to hang out with tonight.". Lexa nodded, forcing herself to not burst in laughter.

"O, who... L-Lexa." Clarke showed up from the bathroom. Her cheeks were red as ball peppers. On the other hand, Lexa bowed her head, biting her lip. Clarke was incredibly beautiful, wearing a blue dress and some very refined jewels around her wrists and neck. Octavia glances first at her housemate and then to the brunette. She widened her eyes, realizing what was happening.

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