60.Blood On The Valley Floor

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And the blood dries while we spill some more
(Soundgarden-Blood On The Valley Floor)

When Anya woke up, she could sniff a lovely smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. She smiled and got up, slowly walking outside the bedroom. When she entered the kitchen, she smirked seeing Raven putting the last pancakes on the dish and pouring some maple syrup and chocolate chips on them.

"What did I do to deserve all of this?" she asked, bringing Raven's attention on her. The brunette bit her own lip and stepped forward to her.

"Being here with me." she said, pressing a soft kiss on her lips. "Now sit down, please. Let's have breakfast.". Anya raised her own hands and obliged, sitting at the table. She took her dish and cut herself a bite of pancakes.

"They look good."

"Hope they are good too." Raven chuckled, staring at her girlfriend. She was waiting for a response on her hard work. Raven wasn't exactly a pro chef. She didn't hate cooking, but she was aware of the fact that she wasn't Clarke. Her best friend was way better than her, she knew that. Well, at least I'm not Lexa, she thought, watching Anya putting the pancakes in her mouth and chewing them, slowly.

"How are they?" she asked as her girlfriend swallowed them. Anya smiled at Raven tenderly, a little amused by her anxious and worried gaze.

"They're really good." she answered, causing the brunette to breathe in relief. "Not as good as Clarke's pancakes, but..." she joked, eliciting a little punch on her arm. They both started laughing and for the first time in days Anya could feel more relaxed, the anguish of the case she was investigating on and the truth about her parents she had just found out vanishing even if only for a moment.

"I love you An, so so much." Raven whispered to her, giving her a small peck on her lips. For a while, Anya thought that her heart could have blown inside her chest.

"Me too, Rae. I promise you, when all of this ends, I'll bring you somewhere. Maybe we could go to Malibu or to Hawaii."

"Yes, we could." Raven said. "I'd love to go with you to the sea. I want to teach you to surf.". Anya scoffed. She and Raven had different ideas about relaxing vacations. First of all, Raven loved the ocean and everything concerning the sea, while Anya preferred camping in the woods and going to the mountain. Moreover, the mere idea of surfing on the ocean, a place potentially full of sharks, terrified the blonde.

"I will never go on that thing."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say." Raven replied, grinning. "You'll change your mind.". Anya rolled her eyes, amused by her girlfriend's stubbornness.

"I have to go." she then said, checking the time. "See you tonight, I don't really know when I'll be back home."

"Don't worry, I know you're working hard." Raven reassured her. "You'll find this fucking killer, I'm sure of it."

"I hope." Anya replied, while putting her coat on. She took her bag and her car keys and stepped forward the door.

"I love you so much." she told Raven again, before crossing the threshold, under the Latina tender gaze, so full of love.


"Woods, it's about time. You're late." Indra welcomed Anya, pointing at her chair and desk in order to make her understand that she had to hurry. Octavia, Gustus and Jasper were already there, scrolling some papers

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