50.Neverending Nightmare

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When I close my eyes it's there waiting for me
Finds me every time, will I never be free?
(Citizen Soldier feat. Kellin Quinn-Neverending Nightmare)

"War Pigs."

"Black Sabbath."

"Great! And what about The Killing Road?"

"Megadeth of course."

"Good, good. Snuff?

"This is easy! Slipknot!". Madi was impressed. She, Clarke and Kane were testing Lexa on metal music and the woman was doing great.

"Okay, this is difficult." Clarke told her. She took her phone and sat on a chair, inviting Aden to join her. "Here." she told him, helping him to tap the mobile and play a song. Lexa tried to focus on the guitar playing. An intricate mix of instruments and vocals started. She smirked, so proud of herself.

"Schism by Tool.". Clarke high-fived her girlfriend, surprised by her improvement.

"You did a great job." Madi told Kane. The man smiled at her and patted her shoulder.

"I did what I had to." he just said. Madi didn't reply. She was aware of the fact that Lexa decided to start listening to metal music just in order to get closer to her. And she couldn't be more grateful for that.

"One more song! C'mon, test me!" Lexa exhorted them.

"Okay, this one." Madi said. The woman frowned. She couldn't recognize the song, it sounded so strange.

"I... I don't..." she muttered. Madi started laughing out loud, hands on her belly. She was in tears because of the laughters.

"What the hell is going on?" Lexa asked, confused.

"It's a cover of Winter by Vivaldi." Madi revealed, still laughing.

"And this is the doorbell instead." Clarke said, having heard someone ringing the doorbell. She went opening and froze when she found Octavia, Anya and Indra in front of her.

"Hi Clarke, is Lexa here?" Anya asked, shyly.

"Yes, she... Is there any problem?". Indra didn't answer her and crossed the threshold, her sunglasses still on. When Lexa saw her, she jerked.

"Good evening, Miss Woods. I'm sorry to bother you, but we need to talk with you.".

"Excuse me?" Clarke huffed, incredulous.

"I... I don't..." Lexa murmured, slowly sliding down the wall.

"Lexa, I'm sorry, we just need..." Octavia tried to say, when Madi stood up from her chair and ran to her, pushing her away from her stepmother. Clarke immediately stopped the girl, preventing her to do it again.

"Stay away from her!" Madi cried, trying to wriggle herself free from Clarke's grip. "She did nothing! Stay away from her!" the girl kept yelling.

"Madi, we don't want to arrest her." Anya tried to reassure her, in vain.

"This is exactly what a cop says before arresting someone!" Madi retorted, in tears. Anya sighed. She knew that her niece had all the reasons to be angry, but still, her words stung the same. Clarke held Madi close to her chest, whispering soothing words and rubbing her back. She turned. Behind her Kane was trying to calm Lexa down. The brunette was visibly panicking and Aden crying next to her wasn't helping her. Indra stepped forward to her and kneeled at her, taking her sunglasses off. She smiled at her softly and patted her leg.

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