32.When Does A Heart Move On?

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But it's been too long
When does a heart move on?
(Joy Williams-When Does A Heart Move On?)

Callie's Cafe on Monday night was a bit empty and Lexa couldn't be happier for that. All she needed was to talk and be quiet, she didn't want to be surrounded by a lot of people while opening up to the last person she would have ever thought to get closer to. She massaged her temples and took a sip of the beer she had just bought. She checked the time. He was late, definitely. She started worrying. What if he was in trouble? What if he didn't want to meet her? Keep calm Lexa, he will come, she reassured herself. She sighed, thinking about Madi. She and Aden were home with Raven and Anya. The girl was so upset, that she barely had dinner. Lexa took another sip of beer. Both she and Madi needed to learn how to move on. This is why the woman was at Callie's Café in that moment.

"Hi Lexa!" Jasper greeted her, while entering the pub and joining her. The woman smiled at him and gestured him to sit at the table with her.

"Hi Jasper. How are you? And how is Maya?". Jasper smiled, happy to know that finally someone remembered to mention his girlfriend without the need for him to remind it.

"I am fine and she is too. She is at home." he answered. Lexa nodded and handed him the menu.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked gently.

"I'll order a bottle of water. I used to drink a lot, but now I don't do it anymore." Jasper explained and Lexa could feel the weight of his past actions in those words. The two waited for Atom to bring him the water. A silence full of embarrassment surrounded them, despite being into a pub.

"Well..." Jasper began. "Why did you want to see me?"

"Uh, I... Erm..." Lexa babbled.

"Lexa, we don't know each other so well and we don't normally come here without our friends. Moreover, today it's Monday and we usually hang out on Friday.". Lexa bit her lip. Damn, he was smart. The woman scratched her chin. She didn't know how to start. She didn't want to scare Jasper, but she needed to talk to him.

"Jasper I...". She sighed. "I know how Maya really is. I know that she is at home.". The officer frowned, confused.

"Yes, I've just told you that." he said. Lexa shook her head.

"No, I mean... I know that she is at home. My wife Costia is at home, too." she explained. Jasper immediately understood and got a bit upset.

"Oh." it's everything he could say, bowing his head. Lexa put a hand on his and forced him to raise his gaze. She smiled at him, softly.

"I know what you think, that I'm just a freak." Jasper muttered and Lexa immediately cut him short.

"That's not true. I think that you're incredibly strong, Jasper. You are trying to live your life and it's brave.". The officer took a sip of water, in order not to burst in tears. He still didn't understand why Lexa was talking to him about Maya. The two weren't exactly best friends and they had never touched such topics. She started shaking and Lexa immediately noticed it.

"Jasper, I didn't want to scare you. Do you want to go outside? I'm sorry.". He shook his head in no and took another sip of water. "It's just that... What do you want?". The woman waved a hand through her hair and sighed.

"I... I need help.". Jasper raised his brows. Help? From him? It wasn't possibile, he was just a freak.

"Did Anya send you to me in order to make me feel less useless?" he asked, suspicious. Lexa glanced at him, not sure of what she had just heard.

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