29.Present Tense

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You can spend your time alone re-digesting past regrets
Or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can't forgive yourself
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense
(Pearl Jam-Present Tense)

Octavia and Anya were studying the photos of the victims, trying to find something useful to solve that horrible case. However, they were more and more confused. Behind them, Indra was drinking a cup of coffee, while Gustus was reading some papers. The two FBI agents knew that the two detectives were really really angry with them. The way Indra had acted with Madi had annoyed Anya and Octavia so much. Madi was just a girl, not a dangerous bounty criminal.

"Hi girls? Coffee?". The two detectives turned and smiled when they saw Jasper in front of them.

"Thank you, Jas. How are you today? And what about Maya?" Anya asked, remembering to make questions about his girlfriend too. Everyone knew that, sooner or later, Jasper should have had to just accept her death and stop to expect all his friends to act like she was alive, but that wasn't the right time. Not yet.

"She is fine, thank you.". Octavia could notice the expression of pure confusion on Indra's face. She had probably read Jasper's profile and couldn't understand why they were talking about Maya like she wasn't dead.

"Grounders again, uh?". The two detectives rolled her eyes.

"Not again, Jasper. How can I tell you? This is just an urban legend." Anya said.

"It isn't at all. Just because there is no evidence of that, it doesn't mean that it isn't true." he replied.

"It's the point of an evidence, proving that a certain thing is true." the blonde detective retorted. Jasper scoffed.

"But what criminal sept would leave any evidence behind them?"

"This is an interesting point." Octavia entered the conversation. Anya snorted. She loved Jasper, but that stupid obsession for urban legends was becoming a little bit annoying.

"So, are you really telling me that you believe in the existence of a criminal sept divided in clans that controls the entire criminal activities of the Country, more powerful than Mafia, Yakuza and Chinese Triads all combined? Are you serious?". Jasper didn't answer immediately. He stared at Anya and curled his lips.

"Yes." he finally said and the blonde raised her hands.

"Oh, I guess that you believe in alligators living in New York sewers, too."

"That is just an urban legend, Anya." Jasper told her, pointing out the obvious. Octavia couldn't help, but laugh, enjoying that absurd discussion between her friends. She was happy seeing Jasper so comfortable speaking about his interests and theories.

"Jordan, what do you know about Grounders? And how?" Indra suddenly asked, causing the two detectives to jolt. Jasper scratched the back of his head. He didn't expect to be taken seriously by anyone. He gazed at the FBI agent. That woman was really intimidating, but at the same time she looked trustworthy.

"Well, I am... I am really into urban legends and stuff. I did some researches on my own, watched videos and read books and articles." he explained. "And I am 99% sure that those are Grounder tattoos." he then claimed, pointing his index finger to the computer. Indra glanced at Gustus, who nodded at her.

"Blake, Woods, can we talk to you?". Octavia and Anya shrugged.

"Just the four of us." Gustus said. Octavia sighed and put a hand on Jasper's shoulder.

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