9.We Are Broken

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Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore our innocence
And all the promise we adored?
(Paramore-We Are Broken)

Lexa, Madi and Aden have been in Shallow Valley for more than two weeks. It would have been Christmas in a dozen of days and the brunette was a bit worried. Her first Christmas alone with the kids, it wouldn't have been easy. Her relationship with Madi was getting worse day after day. She definitely didn't know how to approach the girl. Madi always shouted at her or remembered her that she wasn't her mother and that she couldn't tell her what to do. There was also another problem called Ethan. Lexa didn't like him at all. Anya had told her that he was known for being a bully and a robber, even if there were never been proof to incriminate him. He was just sixteen, but he was already one step away from jail. At the same time, there was Aden. He was enjoying his new life and he had made a lot of friends. Everyone had fallen for him, he was a cute five year old child after all. Lexa sighed. It was almost dinner time and their fridge was empty. She had asked Madi to buy groceries, but of course the girl hadn't done it. Lexa shook her head and closed the fridge. She went to the living room and sat on the sofa, waiting for Madi to go downstairs. The music was loud, she didn't know what hellish band she was listening to. She scoffed and decided to go upstairs. She entered the room without knocking and turned off the stereo.

"Hey!" Madi protested. Lexa looked at her.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked, masking her anger.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter as long as I won't be there for dinner."

"You won't what?". Lexa couldn't believe it.

"Ethan invited me to hang out. It's Saturday, it's my right to have fun!". Lexa laughed. She was fed up. She couldn't stand her anymore.

"Well, ma'am, from now you have no more rights, at all." she said, dismantling the stereo. Madi tried to stop her, but Lexa pushed her away.

"Ah-ah. Don't you dare, ma'am. I am so fed up, Madi. I'm working my ass really hard for you. I'm doing my best in order to provide you everything you need and all I get are yelling and names!" Lexa cried. Madi looked at her with eyes full of hate.

"You're not my mom! You can't tell me what to do or how I must behave!" she replied. Lexa couldn't do it anymore. She grabbed Madi's arm and yanked her. The girl gulped.

"I know I am not your mother, Madi! I am no one to you and that's okay. I just want you to be safe, why can't you understand this?"

"I wish you died that night, instead of her." Madi hissed. Lexa swallowed. She gazed at her, tears in her eyes. She wanted to reply, but she didn't know how. They stood in front of each other, in silence.

"I..." the woman tried to say, when someone downstairs called her.

"Lexa, it's Marcus! He wants you at the store, there should be a problem with some CDs, I didn't understand well.". The woman snorted. She went to the corridor and protruded from the stairway. Anya was staring at her, her mobile in her hand.

"But it's Saturday!" Lexa retorted. "And how did you get here?".

"The door was open. And Marcus didn't care, he needs you.". Lexa couldn't believe it. She turned to Madi.

"Do you think you will be able to stay here and take care of Aden? I will be back as soon as possible. Anya ordered you some pizza, I'll leave you money on the table."

"I have to go out!" Madi objected.

"Me too and for better reasons. You are grounded, ma'am. See you later."

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