49.Hold My Hand

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Hold my hand
I can hear the ghost calling
Help me stand
Even if the sky is falling
(The Fray-Hold My Hand)

Sunday was a really important day for Clarke Griffin. First of all, it was family lunch's day. Clarke loved family lunches, she adored spending time with her mom, Marcus, Sinclair, Nyko, Raven and Anya, Lincoln and Lexa and the kids. When her father was alive, he used to cook with Marcus and they all had barbecues, especially during the summer. She sighed. That days were gone forever. She rolled on her belly, looking at Lexa who was next to her. The brunette was sleeping, softly snoring from time to time. Clarke smiled and gently kissed her temple. Another thing she loved about Sundays was the quiet. Being a doctor, she often had to go to work, she was aware of that. However, when she got up, she enjoyed the quiet and peaceful atmosphere that sleepy town was surrounded by. It was something that always warmed her heart.

"Good morning." Lexa muttered, bringing the blonde back to reality.

"Morning, love." Clarke said back, placing a soft kiss on the brunette's cheek. "Hope you slept well."

"Like a baby." Lexa answered. And it was true. She hadn't slept so well in ages. She still had her eyes closed, but she was smiling so widely, that Clarke could do nothing, but giggle.

"I think we should get up, honey." the blonde said.

"Just five minutes." Lexa muttered in her pillow.

"My mom is waiting for us." Clarke insisted, kissing her shoulder.

"But I'm tired." the brunette protested, jokingly.

"You're tired, uh?"

"Yes, so tired.". Clarke chuckled and started caressing Lexa's back, tracing her tattoo with a finger. She started kissing her neck, eliciting a moan from the brunette.


"Shhh, I'm only trying to wake you up.". Clarke found herself on the top of Lexa and kept nibbling her neck. She then kissed her clavicle, her ribs, her belly.

"I love you." she whispered, taking a nipple in her mouth.

"Clarke, I..." Lexa moaned. She was losing her mind, completely at the mercy of Clarke. The blonde was about to kiss her tights when the door opened, suddenly. Both women jolted and Clarke hurried to cover themselves with the sheets. Aden entered the room, stumbling in his own feet. He noisily yawned, visibly sleepy. It was morning for him too, after all.

"Erm... Hello little man." Lexa greeted him, managing to get dressed somehow under the sheets, in a way that every contortionist in the world would have envied her. Clarke did the same, trying to hide her embarrass. Aden looked oblivious of what he had just caused and jumped on the bed, leaning on her stepmother's chest. Clarke gazed at Lexa, confused. The brunette shrugged and kissed the top of Aden's head. The child put his thumb in his mouth and started sucking it, eliciting a tender smile by the two women.

"Are you okay?" Lexa asked, a bit concerned. Aden nodded and looked at her, with his big hazel eyes. Clarke caressed his arm and smiled at him.

"Cereals." the child muttered, hiding his face into Lexa's neck. The brunette shook her head, incredulous. That child definitely had a problem with cereals. Costia's fault, she thought. And it was the truth. Costia loved eating milk and cereals and she used to share her breakfast with Aden. Lexa smiled bitterly. She missed her wife, it was undeniable. However, while she was looking at Clarke playing with Aden, she realized that the grief for Costia's death was slowly stinging less. It would have never faded away, but she wasn't feeling as desperate as before.

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