16.Perfect Storm

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We've spent way too long chasing it down to let it go now
But if you ever back out, I want you to know
I can't chase it alone
(June Divided-Perfect Storm)

Clarke was desperately trying to find something to get dressed in. She had plenty of clothes, but at the moment nothing seemed right for the occasion. C'mon, you are going to a friend of yours in order to have dinner with her and her kids, you don't need to be elegant , she thought. However, she found herself on her bed with nothing to wear. Octavia suddenly entered the room, laughing a little at that sight. Clarke was laying on her belly, with messy hair and a desperate face. The brunette was having a really tough time at work and the chance of having a bit of fun was welcomed with pleasure by her.

"O, help me, please. I have nothing to wear." the blonde whined.

"I thought you were supposed to go to Lexa's"

"Exactly. What do I wear?". Octavia raised her brows and gazed confused at her friend.

"Clarke, what... Lexa is just a friend, isn't she?". Clarke gasped. What was she doing? She felt so stupid and sank her head into the sheets. She blushed, becoming red as a ball pepper. Octavia forced her to turn and smiled, seeing Clarke like that was too funny.

"She is. I just wanted to make a good impression." the blonde explained. Octavia didn't buy it at all, but she said nothing. She just moved to the wardrobe and threw at her friend a pair of black trousers, a white blouse and a dark green pullover.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now get dressed or you will be late for your dat-... Ops, I wanted to say dinner." the brunette joked.

"We're just friends!" Clarke retorted, throwing at her some clothes. Octavia ran outside of the room, laughing. She went to the kitchen and started cooking some rice. She wasn't hungry, but she knew she had to eat something.

"O." Clarke called her. The brunette turned. Her jaws dropped. The doctor was stunning.

"Lexa won't resist you." Octavia commented her friend's look. Clarke smiled, tense.

"We're just friends, I'm serious." she replied. "Listen, before I go I want to ask you something.". Octavia stiffened. She didn't know how, but she knew what Clarke was going to ask her.

"Sure. I will answer, if I can." she said, hesitant.

"Are you okay? Is there any problem at work? Raven told me that Anya keeps having nightmares and that she starts crying whenever she goes back home from the station.". Octavia wanted to vanish forever and ever. She knew that sooner or later someone would have asked her about her job, Anya was too shocked for nobody to notice that something strange was happening. Her partner was handling that whole situation really bad. Not that Octavia felt nothing about that corpse. She was devastated and every time she found herself thinking about it, she started crying. However, she didn't know how, but she could mask her discomfort really well.

"O?" Clarke insisted. Octavia inhaled deeply. She needed to talk to someone about what was going on, but Pike had been clear, no one had to know it. That was so draining.

"Clarke, I'm sorry, I can't talk to you about my job, nor Anya can."

"Pike?" the doctor tried to guess. Octavia nodded.

"Just tell Raven to be patient with Anya. She really needs that.". Clarke smiled at her friend, without saying a word.

"Well, gotta go. See you later and say hello to everybody if you go to Callie's Café.". Octavia nodded and watched the doctor walking to the door. Just friends, yes , she thought, laughing.

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