31.Truth Is A Whisper

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TW//Homophobic language

You know all I am
Can you teach me to believe in something?
(Goo Goo Dolls-Truth Is A Whisper)

"For one last time, I am a friend of Gaia Ash, I need to know where she is."

"And for one last time Mister Storm, I can't give you personal data of our students." the secretary replied, visibly annoyed.

"I need to talk to her, it's really important." Roan tried again. The secretary, a woman who was in her sixties, glared at him.

"Listen, you can go out of this campus and live a normal and happy life as a free man or you can go to the station with some officers. It's up to you, Mister.". Roan snorted and waved a hand through his face.

"Thank you so much, you're very kind." he said, ironic. He walked outside, joining Wick. The younger man was sitting on a bench, drinking a cup of hot chocolate.

"You failed again, didn't you?"

"Shut up kiddo. Let's go, we need to find Gaia somehow.". Wick shook his head and stood up, ready to follow him. However, he stopped immediately when he saw Roan heading to another office of the campus. The older man turned and motioned him to move, but Wick didn't obey.

"My friend, this is a fantastic way to get you arrested. We started looking for Gaia on Thursday and now it's Monday. You will never have access to those data this way.". Roan scratched the back of his neck, a bit confused.

"And what do you think we can do? Stealing data from their computers it's impossible, it's full of officers.". Wick smirked.

"I've got an idea, but I need to go shopping." he stated. Roan gazed at him, confused. Wick's eyes were full of determination. He had a plan, for sure. And maybe it could be a good plan, who knew. However, he had a lot of questions to ask him.

"Hold on. Why are you helping me? I mean, I know that Luna told you to come with me here, but she never ordered you to help me finding Gaia and Lexa. God, you don't even know who Lexa is.". Wick sighed. He was aware that, sooner or later, Roan would have asked him something like that.

"Well, as I told you, I know why Luna asked me to follow you. When I decided to live with Floukru, I barely knew nothing about them and about Grounders. I just wanted to live a new life, far away from the boring world I used to know. Somehow, Floukru became my people. I may not know who Lexa is, but you are wrong if you think that I don't care about this whole situation. You know, my opinion is that this is the real problem of this world. People forget that we are part of a community. So, if one of us has a problem, it becomes the problem of us all. This is why I care.". Roan swallowed. He didn't expect something like that, at all. Wick smiled at him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Moreover, I don't have anything else to do.". Roan laughed a bit, watching the younger man walking to the car. He sighed. He was a good guy, after all.


Marcus was reading some old papers when Abby entered the room. The man jerked. He thought that she would have been to the hospital all day.

"Abby, why are you here?" he asked. The woman looked at him, confused. What was that supposed to mean?

"I finished my shift, as always. Why aren't you at work?" she replied. Marcus swallowed, not knowing well what to say. He opened his mouth, but suddenly Anya entered the room, with a box in her arms.

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