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So just think of your future
Think of a new life
Don't get lost in the memories
Keep your eyes on a new prize

"Good morning sweetheart." Lexa greeted a definitely sleepy Madi who was entering the kitchen in order to have breakfast.

"Hi." the teen said, yawning. "Shouldn't you be in your bed, resting?". Lexa scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.

"I'm tired of doing nothing." she explained. Madi shook her head, wondering who the real teen between the two was.

"You're still injured. I know how to prepare milk and cereals, don't worry. Go back to bed."

"But..." Lexa tried to protest, in vain.

"Lex, don't make me call Clarke." Madi threatened her, harsh. The woman sighed and stepped forward to the girl.

"Are you sure that you can handle all of this? I mean, Aden needs to have breakfast too and..."

"Lex, go rest, please." Madi stopped her rambling. "I am perfectly able to take care of my brother. Don't worry, okay? I will help  Aden to get prepared for school and I will prepare him breakfast. I called Anya yesterday, she is driving us to school this morning. Everything is under control, as you can see.". Lexa massaged her neck and nodded in surrendering.

"Okay, as you want. Just... Are you sure, Madi?". The teen frowned, a bit confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked. Lexa breathed deeply, looking for the right words to say. She didn't want to hurt Madi, or make her think that she didn't trust her, but she wanted to be sure that the girl was ready to go back to her life. She had been kidnapped, after all.

"Do you really want to go back to school? I mean, I can perfectly understand if you still need time to recover. Moreover, maybe we should talk about wha-"

"Lexa." Madi interrupted her. "I'm fine, really. I just want to go back to my life, start playing basketball again and see my friends, that's all. Now, go rest and stop thinking.". Lexa smiled at her, not really satisfied with that answer. She decided not to push Madi and started going upstairs.

"See you later, have a nice day!" she waved her goodbye.

"Have a nice day." Madi replied. The teen patiently waited for her stepmother to disappear behind the door and then she slid down the wall, exhaling deeply. Some tears streamed down her cheeks, but she immediately wiped them. She looked at the stairs. Maybe she should have opened up with Lexa, told her how she was really feeling. Maybe the woman would have understood.

"Madi, why are you on the floor?" a tiny voice asked her. The girl turned and looked at Aden, who was staring at her, curious.

"Hi sweetheart. I... I was looking for a thing, don't worry. Come on, let's have breakfast." she said, helping her brother to sit down. She sighed. No, she couldn't talk to Lexa. She wasn't ready, not yet. And maybe she would have never been.


Clarke was scrolling some papers, leaning against the hospital desk, pensive. Her mind ran over Lexa and the kids. The two women had decided to try to save their relationship, but learning to trust the brunette again was very difficult. However, they both really wanted to start over. They needed it. They loved each other and that should have meant something.

"Earth to Clarke." Nyko called her, snapping his fingers. The doctor raised her head, meeting the nurse's gaze. The man smiled at her, with pure affection.

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