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"Hey, Pipes". Alex said as soon as the call connected.

"Hi babe, God!! it is so good to finally hear your voice. It's been a while since the last time you called me, I missed you so much". I reminded Alex.

"Yes I know and I'm very sorry. The first salary I got from my job here I put them all straight to my commissary. I had to wait for my next paycheck to buy phone credit". Alex, said almost embarrassed.

I felt really bad for my wife and about what I said. I mentally kicked myself for even saying it.

"I'm so sorry Al, I didn't know that. Don't worry I'll transfer some money right away for your commissary". I told Alex.

"Piper, you don't need to do that I'm fi-". Alex argued.

"And don't even say you're fine!". I shouted because I am mad with myself for being tactless.

"Alex, you are my wife now and I can't stand hearing that you are struggling. As if being in prison is not enough struggle already". I told her calmly this time.

"Please let me do this for you". I begged her.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds and I heard her take a deep breath. Probably trying to calm herself. I know this isn't easy for her.

Alex is tough and I know that she hates showing weakness.
Since she was little she has always been independent and taught herself mostly everything she has to know on how to survive.
It is always easier for her to give help than to ask it.

"Really Piper, you don't have to do this". Alex, argued again.

"Why won't you just let me so that this discussion is over". I said frustrated.

"Why the fuck you keep pushing it!!?". She said angry now.

"Because Alex, we made a vow to each other remember?
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer". I reminded her.

"Ugh shit!!".
"This isn't fair". She groaned.

But I can tell from her voice this time that she's not angry anymore.
I guess that wedding vows worked really well. I mentally remind myself to start using them more. I chuckled to myself.

"You are so annoying and I hate you, you know that?". Alex, said calmer this time.

"You just hate me because I am right". I said laughing at her.

"So, what's up with you? What are you doing right now besides arguing with me?". Alex teased.

"I am driving home, I just came from Polly and Larry's house and I have something very exciting to tell you! You won't believe it, Al!". I informed her.

"Yeah? what is it, babe?". I can almost see her eye brows arching.

"I talked to Polly, and asked her to be my business partner again. I want to carry on the soap business that we started but she declined my offer". I told Alex.

"Oh I'm very sorry to hear about that, Pipes. But you sound so excited". She asked confused.

"Because Al, she gave me everything, all the procedures. She said that I can do it on my own and she's fine with it. This is her welcome gift to me since I came out of prison". I exclaimed.

"Wow! Piper! I'm so glad to hear that". Alex, said and I can tell that she's really happy for me.

"And you know, I think she's still guilty about what she and Larry did. Anyway, this is the beginning for us, babe. I can finally start to make a living for us".

That was the conversation I had with Alex 4 years ago that I kept repeating inside my head.

Thinking back I know we've come a long way to be here now.
Business is great! With 2 branches already. One in New York and being taken care of by my brother Cal, and his wife Neri, and one here in Ohio that we opened a year ago.
I want to be near my wife as much as possible.

We also have our own home now. A 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a nice and quiet neighborhood. I know Alex, would be happy living here. We both picked this place together.

I would bring photos of different houses whenever I would visit her in prison and held it in front of her to see.

She liked this particular house with a large backyard and a real fire pit and a stream behind it. I liked this place too. Very quiet and far from the bustling city.

It's good to come home after a busy day to a quiet house and admiring nature's beauty. Almost everyday I would rush home to watch the sunset while sitting at the back patio.

Today will be my last day sitting here alone. Because tomorrow my wife, is going to be released from prison.

Photo credit: Beverly-Hanks.com

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