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Alex's POV

I am going to propose to Piper, today. Nicky, has been helping me. I decided to propose to her on top of the building that Nicky's family owned. I plan to do it this afternoon during sunset, I know how much Piper, loved it.

She went to work this morning and I am freaking out because I want this to be perfect. I want to marry her again to make our marriage legal.

Piper texted me at around lunch time.

Piper: Do you want to go out and have lunch? I'm not busy.

Me: I'm sorry babe, I can't. I have plans with Nicky.

I texted her back, I hope she's not mad at me.

Piper: Okay, have fun. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

"Nicky, aren't we supposed to be there right now to help set up?". I asked Nicky.

"Nah, don't worry. Miranda, is there. She knows what to do".

Miranda, is the same woman who set up the birthday party for, Piper. I know she's good at her job but this is an important event in my life. I want everything to be flawless.

"But I want to make sure everything is perfect". I explained.

"Relax Vause. Everything is going to be okay. Miranda is the best.
You know what you should be doing now? Go to bed and take a nap. We still have plenty of time before we go and pick up, Piper".

I reluctantly drag myself to bed. Nicky is right I don't have anything to worry about. Everything will be okay.

I lay in bed and closed my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep.
I gave up after a while and decided to take a bath.
Water always help me calm down.
I don't understand why I am so nervous. I'm pretty sure, Piper would say yes. We always talked about this even back in prison. We are going to have another wedding once we get out. A legal marriage.

After my bath I get dressed and decided to put on some make up.

At 3 pm we are ready to leave but I couldn't find the ring. I had to asked for Nicky's help.

"Where did you put it"?. Nicky asked.

"I just put it here on top of the dresser. I put it here this morning after Piper, left for work". I explained.

"Seriously, there's a bunch of other things that you could lose today. But the ring? This is a joke right?". She retort.

"I'm sorry. Just please help me find it. I'm freaking out already".

Nicky grab and pull the sheets from my bed and something hard and black dropped on the floor.

"It's the ring!". Nicky shouted.

"Oh thank, God". I exclaimed.

I picked it up and I don't remember ever putting it on the bed. But whatever. I'm glad we found it.

"You know? I think I should hold that for you. I don't want you loosing that shit again". Nicky offered.

I laughed at her but agreed.

"That's a great idea. Here". I hand her the ring.

We both agreed to pick up Piper, first then go straight to Nicky's place to make sure we arrive on time.

I was driving the car going to Piper's office. I'm happy and I'm freaking out a little bit.

There's no available parking space infront of Piper's office so I parked the car across from the street.

Me and Nicky got out of the car and was about to cross the road when I saw Piper and Zelda walking out.

I didn't know Zelda was here. Seems like she's about to leave anyway which is great timing.

I watch Piper gave Zelda a hug. It's nothing for me. Piper likes giving hugs, she's a hugger and it looks like a friendly hug to me.

She needs a friend and I'm extremely happy that she found one even though I don't trust Zelda, but I trust my wife so that's enough.

I wasn't prepared to what happen next. Zelda holds Piper's face and kissed her on the lips.

My body went numb and I feel like an icy water was poured into me. I stood rooted on the ground.

I am mostly confused with my wife. Why isn't she doing something to stop it?.
Is she enjoying it?
Does she still love, Zelda?
Is she cheating on me?
My heart clenches right now. I don't understand what is going on.
I trusted her. How could she do this?

"What the fuck?". Nicky, exclaimed.

I watch Piper hold Zelda's arm and push her back gently.

Piper looked at her softly and said something to her. After a while she holds her face and lean closer to her and kissed her on the cheek.

I've seen enough. I can't believe it. I thought Piper, loved me.

Who am I kidding? I am nothing compared to, Zelda. She's perfect and smart and successful.

"I'm sorry Nicky, but I have to go". I blurted out.

I went back to my car crying. I locked the doors and turn on the engine.

Nicky was knocking on my window.

"Alex, open the door please". She pleaded.

I can't believe, Piper would do this to me. I trusted her.

I put my car in reverse and backed up.

That's when Nicky started hammering on my window very hard.

"Open the door!" Nicky is shouting now.
"Don't do this. Fuck!".

I was backing up so fast that I almost hit another car. But I don't care. I am so furious and so hurt that I don't care anymore. I don't care what happen to me.

After I backed up. I put my car in drive and step on the accelerator and speed away.

I couldn't stop crying. My tears are blurring my vision so I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands. I don't know where I'm going, I just want to get away from here as far as possible.

My phone started ringing but I didn't bother checking it. I know it's Piper. I can't talk to her right now. She's clearly cheating on me with that woman.

I was so distracted that I wasn't paying attention on the road.
Everything just happen so fast. The next thing I know my car was hit by a truck.

I forgot to wear my seatbelt. The impact was so hard I felt myself being throw outside of my car through the windshield and I hit my head on the pavement.

I couldn't feel anything probably it's the adrenaline but I felt something hot trickled down my face, my vision is blurry, surely my glasses fell out.

The last thing I remember was I heard screaming. Then everything went black.

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