Mad Alex

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Alex's POV

I've been trying to call Piper for the last 3 hours. She told me this morning she'd be home by 7 pm tonight and It's already 11 pm and I left her a bunch of messages. All my calls are going straight to voicemail.

"What if something bad happened to her? What if she's been in an accident? Oh my God". I'm starting to get hysterical.

"Alex, please calm down. I know you're worried about Piper, and I do too. But we can't think like that". Nicky suggested.

"Nicky, if something bad happened to her. I don't know what I'll do". I said anxiously.

I hope she's fine. I love her so much and It'll kill me if something bad has to happen to her. I have a lot of scenarios playing in my mind and each of them are turning out way worse than the other.

"I'll go and check on her at the office. Probably she's caught up with paper work and forgot to call". Nicky said.

"I'm coming with you".

"No, just stay here. Wait for her incase she comes home". Nicky, insisted.

"Please be careful. I can't take it if something bad has happen to you too".

"Quit it Vause!". Nicky hissed at me. "I'll be fine".

I am panicking. I'm pacing back and forth in the living room. I'm thinking about calling the cops and report her missing. Piper never forgets to call when she had to come home late.

I can hear Nicky's car leaving the driveway.

After a few minutes I heard my phone ring.

It's Piper. Oh thank god!.

I answered on the first ring.

"Alex?". It is so good to hear her voice. But I am so furious at her.

"Jesus Christ, Piper! Where the fuck are you? I've been calling you many times". I said furiously.

"I know. I'm very sorry I forgot to tell you I'm coming home late". She tried to explain.

She has got to be kidding me. How can she forget?

"You forgot to tell me? Are you fucking kidding me right now Piper?. I'm scared to death!". I am so mad and so worried about her.

"I know, I know. I'm very sorry. I'm going home now".

"Where the hell are you?". I asked.

"Please don't get mad. I just had dinner with Zelda".

Zelda! Great! No wonder she forgot to tell me. God! help me I'm about to kill my wife.

"Go! home! now!". I shouted.

"I am. I'm going home".

I hung up the phone. Part of me are relieved that she's okay. But I'm upset that she went out with Zelda and didn't told me and what if something bad happened to her. I'd loose my mind.

I'm waiting for her at the kitchen and I can't seem to relax, my heart is still pounding so hard. After an hour I can hear her car in the drive way.

Thank god she's home. But I'm still angry at her.

She opened the door very slowly and poked her head. Her eyes scanning the living room first. Probably trying to hide from me. Maybe she's hoping I wouldn't see her. 

Then her eyes found mine. I have my arms fold infront of me and I'm looking at her furious.

She walked inside and I noticed her face is flushed. Is she drunk?

"Hi, babe". She said almost unintelligible.

She closed the door behind her and walked toward me swaying slowly as if trying to hold her self steady and she fell down.

Yes she is definitely drunk.
I'm gonna fucking kill her!

"I am so clumsy". She blurted and started laughing.

"What the fuck! Are you drunk?".

Stupid! Why did I even ask.

I rush into her and help her get up. She can barely walk so I have to hold her and drag her to bed.
She's laughing all the way to our bedroom.

"Seriously, Piper. What are you trying to do? This is very dangerous and very reckless.
You are unbelievable!".
I am so disappointed and sacred for her.

"I'm... so...sorry Al". She tried to apologized.

"I'll get you some water".

I went to the kitchen and begun sobbing. I am so relieved that she's okay. Gosh, I never felt like this before. I think I'm going to die from being so worried.

I can't seem to stop crying but I have to collect myself. I have to take care of my wife.

I suddenly remember, Nicky. I have to call her and let her know Piper, is home.

After calling her. I grab a glass of water and a big bowl which I filled with water and I also grab a wash cloth.

I went back to our room and Piper, is trying to keep herself awake.
I sat beside her and gave her the water.

"Drink this. You need to hydrate".

I put the bowl of water on the bedside table.

"I'll clean you up". I said blankly.
I am trying not to cry again.

Piper, is staring at me. Her eyes look so tired and she's trying hard to stay awake.

"Alex, were you crying?". She asked concern.

I didn't answer her because I know the moment I open my mouth I am going to cry again.

I took off her clothes and her shoes. I went to her dresser and grabbed a pair of pajamas.

I began wiping her with the wash cloth and water. I'm checking her body. She seem alright and she didn't hurt herself.

When I was about to finish cleaning her up I heard Nicky's car. I'm glad she's home too.

She came into our bedroom to check up on, Piper.

"Is she okay?". She asked worried.

Piper, is asleep now.

"She's alright but she's drunk". I said letting her know.
"She's with Zelda".

"Are you alright?". She asked concern.

I begun crying again. Nicky, walk over to me and hugged me. She just hold me until I stopped crying.

"I was so worried about her. I can't lose her, Nicky. I can't lose my wife". I am so overwhelmed with my emotions. I never cried in front of anybody before except, Piper.

"You want me to beat up, Zelda?". Nicky offered.

"No silly". I chuckled. "She's the least of my concern right now".

"I am so relieved that she's okay. I just need to release all this tension in my body". I explained.

"I trust, Piper".

I looked at my wife's sleeping form. She look so peaceful.

"You want me to help you dress her up?". She offered.

"Yes please".

"God! She's wasted". She commented.

I'm really pleased, Nicky is here.
She's making everything so much better.

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