Hospital 2

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The sound of the monitor beeping to echo Alex's heart is quite soothing to me. Hearing my wife's heart through the monitor is what keeps me fighting knowing she is still alive.

I fell asleep again in Alex's room. I have my head prop on her bed holding her hand.

I was woken up by the loud monitor beeping erratically.

My head snapped up and look at the monitor screen.

"What the-". I said confused.

This doesn't sound right.
I don't understand what's going on. The loud beeping noise just keep going. I stood up and I let go of her hand and scan her body to look for the culprit of the loud noise. Maybe some wires were reattached.

Immediately there were doctors and nurses rushing inside the room.

"Ma'am excuse me but we need you to step aside so we can work on your wife". One of the nurse said.

"What's going on?". I said confused. I don't know what is happening to, Alex. I move and went to stand near the door.

"Her pressure's bottoming out". One of the doctor announced.

"Flush Pulmonary Edema.
Her lungs are full of fluid". Dr. Shepherd asserted.

"Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. She's bleeding out".

I can't seem to fully grasp anything. I can hear what they are saying but I can't seem to process it in my brain.

I'm confused and disoriented. But I know this is not good.

They are working with Alex professionally but I have to know what's going on. I don't understand what is happening. I need them to explain to me.

Everyone is moving so fast and talking so fast they are all over Alex, while I stand here rooted on the floor. I can't seem to open my mouth to speak.

I'm mystified and I know that I need Alex, to explain to me and help me understand the situation. But she is the situation and I'm helpless.

"Alert an OR that we are on our way". Dr. Shepherd said to the nurse.

"She's not strong enough to be in the OR". Said one of the doctor.

"If we don't do this now Doctor Sloan, she's going to bleed out and she won't make it". He said sternly.

"Is she..." I stuttered.

"Is she gonna be okay Dr. Shepherd?". I mumbled.

He looked at me and he seem surprised to see me there standing.

"We are going to do everything we can for your wife but we have to take her to the OR now.
We definitely got some new bleeding." He explained.

They took, Alex away and rush to the OR.

"Move! Out of the way!" I heard Doctor Sloan, shouted roughly to someone.

I was left alone inside the room. The silence is unbearable. I can't hear the steady beeping of the monitor. I can't hear the monitor echoing Alex's heart anymore to remind me that she is alive.

I panicked.

I need to call my mom. I realized that I haven't told any of my family about the accident.

I dialed my mom's number.

"Piper?". It feels good to hear my mom's voice.

"Mom, Alex is going to die". I said and just started sobbing.

"What happened Piper? tell me". She asked alarmed.

I couldn't talk It took me a minute to answer her.

"She was in a car accident because of me, she won't wake up, Mom. Now they took her away". I said in between sobs.

"Oh, honey".

"Mommy, I don't want her to die. I can't lose my wife. She is my life". I said in between sobs.

"Sweetie listen to me. Alex, is a strong woman. She's a fighter and I know she will fight this. So you don't lose hope okay?
She would want you to be strong for her. You can't lose it, honey. When she wakes up and I know she will, she's gonna need you. So you have to be brave".

She's right I can't lose it. I have to be strong for my wife. She's fighting for her life right now and she needs me to be strong for her.

"I love you, mom".

"I love you too, honey. We'll be praying for her".

"Thanks, mom. Bye".

I hung up the phone. I need to collect myself. I can't be like this when Alex, is the one fighting the bigger fight. I need to be strong.

I have to call Nicky and tell her what happened.

"Hello, Nicky?".

"Piper, is everything okay?". She said alarmed.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?".

"No it's fine. Is everything okay there?"

"I don't know, Nicky. They took Alex, away to the OR. She has new bleeding. I don't remember what else they said I can't focus. I'm scared". I cried.

"Shit!" She cussed.
"Wait for me there. I'm coming".

"Okay. Be safe".

"I will. Bye".

I walk back to the chair. I'm so drained and I can't stop worrying.
I will try and keep it together for, Alex.
The room look so big without her here.

My body is exhausted, my mind is exhausted. I just want my brain to shut down for awhile.

"Miss Chapman, we have an extra bed here outside if you want to lay down for a little bit". A nurse informed me.

I looked at her and smile.
"Thank you. That would be nice".

She lead me to a corner where there is a single hospital bed.

"You can use that one, we keep that here in case some family members need to sleep or just lay down. They're probably gonna be in the OR for a little while". She informed.

"I'll go and get you a blanket". She said smiling.

"Thank you so much".

"No problem".

I lay down and closed my eyes.
I didn't know I have fallen asleep.

"Piper, wake up". Nicky's voice startled me.

"Nicky?". I said disoriented.

"How long have you been here?". I asked curious.

"I was here 2 hours ago. I didn't wake you up".
"She's here, Piper". I looked at her confused.

"Alex is here". She had to repeat again, she must've saw the confusion in my face.

"Oh". I jumped up from the bed and the blanket fall on the floor.
I must've gotten up too soon because my head feels so dizzy I almost lost my balance.

Nicky, catch me and hold me steady.

"Woah! Careful". She warned.

Alex, just got out of surgery. I need to see her.

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