Hospital 3

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We walk briskly to Alex's room.

There's nurses and doctors inside.

"How's my wife?. I asked anxiously.

"We remove the abdominal packs and we got to control the bleeding in her abdomen". Dr. Sloan informed.

I relax a little bit. That's good news. I look over to Dr. Shepherd.

"She had severe bleeding on the brain and we have to do surgery to open her skull and remove the blood around the brain as well.
I fixed all the bleeders I saw..." Dr. Shepherd said.

"But"? I know there is something else he wants to say.

"But she could have permanent Neurological Damage". He said.

"What does that mean?".

"She may not come back. Even if we manage to save her body. Her brain may not come back".

Oh God!

I hold Nicky, for support. I think I'm going to pass out. This is not happening, this is just a nightmare and I'm going to wake up from this bad dream anytime soon.

"No! my wife is coming back!." I said in denial.

I refused to believe that.

"She is coming back. I know she will".

I turn to look at Nicky.

She looks like she might pass out too.

"Nicky, Alex is coming back right? Please say she is coming back to me. We're supposed to get married". I said hysterical.

Nicky, embrace me tightly and rub my back.

"She will come back.
Alex, is coming back, Piper. Don't worry". She responded, but it seems to me she's saying those words more to herself.

I walk over to sit next to my wife and stare at her beautiful bruised face. I refuse to believe this is happening. I hold her hand.

"Oh baby, please come back to me. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Just wake up. I miss you."

"Alex, I love you so much. I know you are strong". I whisper.

"You have to live. Please live for me". I begged.


I can't seem to take away my eyes from Alex's face. Her eyes were close, her chest lightly rise and fall with each breath. She already had 2 major surgeries in the last 2 and a half days. She laid here open and packed. Had her skull open, multiple broken ribs and a broken leg.

God! She's a really bad ass.

I look at Nicky, she is staring at Alex, too. She has this gentle look on her face full of concern for her friend. I know she's silently worried for, Alex.

"Nicky, do you want to go home to rest?".

She shake her head.

"I'd rather stay here just in
case..." She trailed off.

I had to swallow. I get what she meant. It must've been hard for her not being here when Alex, was being taken to the OR not knowing what happened.

"Okay". I agreed.

We stayed silent for a long time.

All of a sudden I heard her laugh and I gaze at her.

"You two are like a cast in a tragic romantic movie". Nicky said after awhile.

I chuckled.

"Yes, that's what I thought too, like we are not meat to be to together in the end". I agreed.

"Titanic". She commented.

"500 days of summer".

"Harry and Hermione". She snorted.

I didn't perceive her as a Harry Potter reader.

"Oh God! You didn't just say that". I said laughing.

"What? It's a good book and I love their characters. I was really expecting them to be together".

Just then the door opened.

Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Sloan came back.

"Miss Chapman". Dr. Shepherd greeted.

"Just call me, Piper". I corrected.

"Okay Piper, we are going to lower her sedation and check on her neuro function. It's going to be painful for her but I want you to remain calm". He explained

Alex, would feel pain. I suddenly became anxious. I don't think I'm ready to see this but I have to be strong.

"Okay". I agreed.

He walk over to Alex and inject something in her IV.

"Alex". He said calmly.

"I know it hurts. But we're going to lower your sedation and check on your neuro function".

"Don't fight the intubation, this won't take long".

They took out her ventilator.

I was waiting for Alex, to move or to even acknowledge pain. But nothing. She just lay there, still.

Dr. Shepherd hold her hand.

"Can you squeeze my hand?".

"How about one finger. Can you move one finger?".

She didn't move. She just lay there. I am getting mad at her, why won't she just move even just a little.

"Okay, I'm gonna put her under". Dr. Shepherd said.

"She's not responding". I said stunned.

"It's too soon to tell anything".

"She didn't respond". I murmured again.

"Look, it's just too soon to tell". He tried to say again.

"We did everything we can and right now we'll just have to wait for her to wake up. She will wake up when she's ready". He informed.

"We'll come back again to check on her vitals". Dr. Shepherd said and they left.

"I'll be right back, Piper". Nicky excused herself. This is probably too hard for her.

I sat on the chair and hold Alex's hand.

"Al, can you just..". I stuttered

"Can you live?" I said sobbing again.

"Can you live for me? Please?".

"Alex, I could never imagine my life without you. You are the most important person in my life. Please don't leave me. I need you". I begged her.

I gazed at her unconscious face. She continue to lay there. Silent and not moving. I'm waiting for her to atleast acknowledge that she can hear me. Probably just move her eyes a little. But nothing.

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