Baby's name

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Piper is heavily pregnant and I have to assist her all the time. She was having trouble climbing up and down the stairs so we temporarily move in the guest room downstairs.

Also, I wasn't aware that being pregnant can trigger a wide range of emotions. She once burst into tears over a slice of cheese and it wasn't even an actual piece of cheese, just so you get the idea. She was in that phase when most foods made her gag. Beyond that, pregnancy comes with a zillion aches, pains, constipation, back pains, swollen ankles and the constant need to pee. Oh! The constant need to pee!.

Piper always felt the need to pee while she's actually peeing. I was thinking if we should set up a camp in the bathroom or just permanently live in the bathroom the remainder of her pregnancy.

One time, she was in the toilet and the pressure in her bladder was so intense I caught her looking down between her thighs.

"What are you doing?". I asked her confused.

"The pressure in my bladder is crazy. I had to check if I'm peeing out our daughter".

Then, there was a time when she completely lose control of her bladder that a lot of pee comes out. She freaked out because she thought that her water just broke. I had to calm her down and assured her that it was just pee. She didn't believe me until I was forced to smell her underwear after which I determines the liquid in her panties, is infact, urine and not amniotic fluid.


"Babe, I'm tired and I'm so hungry". Piper whined while we're in the grocery store.

I told her to just stay home and wait for me. It would've been quicker if I went here alone, but we have to stop every few minutes because she needs to go to the bathroom.

"I'm almost done here, then we'll go grab some lunch. Why don't you just wait for me in car".

"Okay". Piper said sounding bored and then she turns around and waddles away.

I finished doing grocery shopping and when I went to the car my wife wasn't there. Where the hell is she? I went back inside the grocery store thinking she went to the bathroom again. 

I checked but she wasn't there either and that's when I started to get worried because maybe something bad happened to her.

I double checked each isle on my way out just incase and then I found her, eating the chips in one of the sample bowls that you're only supposed to take one from and move on. But not Piper. She was leaning on the counter and chomping down almost half the bowl.

"Piper! I've been looking for you everywhere... and why are you eating all that?".

"Oh hey, babe. I am so hungry, you want one?".

"You know you're just supposed to take one and go. Not eat the whole bowl".

"Nobody's eating them. Look! they're not even crunchy anymore. Here, try one". She tried shoving it inside my mouth. It's probably been sitting there for a while that's why nobody wants them.

"Okay that's enough. Stop eating that!" She tried to fit a handful of the chips inside her mouth, so I have to take her hand away from the bowl. 
"Let's just go and get you real food, that's not good for you".

Just before we turned to leave her ginormous belly knocked over the bowl, breaking it and sending chips flying everywhere.


It was late in the afternoon and we were sitting at the patio and Piper is busy writing down baby names. We haven't picked out a name for our daughter yet.

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