Better days

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These past few months had been really tough not just for Alex, but also for me and Nicky. It's like walking on egg shells. I don't have a problem looking after my wife, but the constant fear for her well-being is what exhaust me the most.

After Alex's episode I gave Dr. Shepherd a call the next day about what happened. He recommended that Alex needed Psychotherapy. I became anxious for the reason that I have no idea how Alex would handle it. I don't know how she would react about seeing a Therapist.

I felt the utmost relief when she didn't object when I told her about seeing a Therapist. As a matter of fact, she was remarkably patient this entire time between going to therapy and doctors appointments.

She was also on medication and her therapy seems to be doing well because Alex never had an episode like that again, thank Jesus, but we're still cautious because literally anything can trigger her panic attack if we're not careful. Her therapist stated to watch out for anything that triggers her so we can work on how to avoid them and to cope.

She seem happier now and almost back to her old self.
Clearly, going back home really helped her a lot.

I never wanted to leave her alone incase she has another episode so I decided to work from home. Me and Nicky, are taking turns watching her closely making sure she's not all by herself.

Alex, spends most of her time reading again.
Everytime we have a doctor's appointment we would always drop by at the book store. She made quite an impressive collections of books over these past months.

The following week after her panic attack, we had to go back to the hospital for a follow up check up. I was very anxious the night before because I know how Alex felt about riding in the car, but thankfully she was calm. Nicky had to drive us and we had to sit in the back of the car again. She was holding my hands the entire ride to the hospital. She's still a little terrified and I feel horrible for her.

But now she is physically healed. No more leg brace and no more trip to the hospital. Infact, today was our last day of check up.

She's still a little freaked out by the car ride.
There are still occasions when we're on the road that if another car honk loudly she would get startled or basically just any loud noises and that's what we are trying to avoid.

Months passed with no another major incident happened. Nicky, stayed with us the whole time and she's helping me take care of Alex.

Alex, was given a large amount of money by the truck company who hit her, like really, really big amount. She decided not to file any formal complaint and accept settlement to avoid additional stress on her part. I don't share the same sentiment with her about not suing them but I didn't push it. She's been through a lot already and she doesn't need constant reminder about her accident so, I just kept my mouth shut and keep my opinion to myself.

Her car was replaced by the insurance company but she refuse to use it which I'm glad because I still don't trust her driving on the road.

Now that everything is going back to normal I thought it's time to finally plan for our wedding, but before that I'd like to ask Alex on a date. It's been awhile since we went out together apart from going to her doctor's appointment and therapy sessions.

It's late at night and we were lounging on the sofa watching a movie. Alex's head is on my lap and I'm stroking her soft, long hair. Nicky, decided to spend the night at her place.

"Alex?". I said softly as I stroke her hair.

"Hmmm?". She hum without taking her eyes off the tv.

"Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?".

She move her head and stare at me smiling.

"Are you asking me on a date?". A smirk gradually appears on her face.

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