Messed up

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Piper's POV

I woke up well rested and the sun is shining bright outside my window. I look at the clock and it's 7:00 in the morning. Wow! I slept for a long time. My body is not aching anymore, my headache is gone and my mind is more alert.

I need to go back to the hospital, I have to check on Alex. Now that I feel well rested and my mind is sharp I feel really terrible for leaving her. I hate myself for losing my temper.

I got up and took a quick shower. I am starving so after my shower and once I'm dressed, I went to the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal. There's no food here and Nicky, doesn't really cook.
Alex, is the one doing all the grocery shopping and cooking meals.

I was driving to the hospital and I decided to call Callie and asked for the update about the business.
I haven't been to the office for weeks now and she's doing a great job handling the business alone. I'm so lucky to have her.

She had been visiting Alex at the hospital when she was unconscious and she would give me the updates. I gave her a raise and I know very well she deserved it.

I arrive at the hospital at around 9 am and Alex is fast asleep. I found Nicky on the couch laying down and looking at her phone.

"Hey, Nicky". I said.

"Morning, Piper". She replied without looking at me.

I went to Alex and kissed her lips, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. The swelling on her face has completely gone down but there are still bruises left.

"She's still sleeping?". I said.

"I don't think she sleep a wink last night. She woke me up this morning and asked for another pain meds. She fell asleep right after having breakfast". Nicky said.

I was surprised to know she ate breakfast.

"She ate breakfast? Really?". I said flustered.

"Yup and dinner too. She had soup".

Woah! I stare back at Nicky.

"What did you do? I was trying to make her eat but she wouldn't".

This time she sit up and looked at me.

"Piper, I hate to break this to you, but you of all people should know that Alex doesn't like being told what to do. Don't force her to do something. You need to have to make her think that she has to decide for herself". She got up and walk beside Alex.

Like, if you want her to eat, don't tell her to "eat this". Just let her know you have food for her and tell her that she can eat it later when she's ready.

See? That way she thinks she has a choice. But in reality she doesn't really have any. She still needs to eat it". She explained.

She averted her eyes from me to Alex. She looked at my wife gently and I know that she genuinely care for her.

"She had a messed up childhood and it's not like she's being stubborn but it's her way of surviving. That's how she survived, Piper. She needs to have a sense of control with herself. All of this is not easy for her.

She has no freedom... she can't move whenever she want... she needs to be fed. Can you imagine how hard that is for her? Not being able to gain control of her self? She is wired that way and then suddenly it was taken away from her". She continued.

Listening to Nicky, I feel like a complete moron. Why didn't I think about this before? I should've known. She's my wife and I'm just learning all of this now.

"God! I feel like a looser". I blurted.

"Nah, you're trying your best Piper. You do what you think is right for her and it's never a bad thing".

"I completely messed up". I cried.

"We're all messed up". She replied. "Atleast we're trying".

"I am so focused on getting her to get better that I never thought how hard this is for her too. I was scared, Nicky.". I admitted.

"Sometimes it's good to be scared. It means you have something to lose". She replied.

Nicky is sarcastic and tough on the outside, but also profoundly smart, kind, wise, and down-to-earth. She is perceptive and fiercely intelligent, and she is able to provide good advice. Despite her hardened, jokester exterior, Nicky has a sensitive and vulnerable side to her.


I sent Nicky, home so she could get a proper rest and I waited for Alex, to wake up.

At almost noon Alex is starting to wake up. She stirred in her bed.
I stand next to her and stroke her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"You came back". Her voice strained.

Oh, I must've hurt her feelings when I left her yesterday.

"Of course, babe. You think I'm not coming back?". I questioned.

"I don't know, Pipes. You were pretty mad at me". She said.

"I'm sorry, Al. I was exhausted so I snapped at you and I lost my temper. I wasn't myself but I'm fine now. I'm never leaving you here again, I promise". I assured her.

She smiled at me and I lean closer and gave her a light kiss on the lips and I pulled away from her.

"I was not finished kissing you" she complained.

"Don't make me get up and come over there." She threatened and I chuckled.

I bent down again and kiss her harder this time. A tingling sensation sent through me as she lightly moaned in pleasure.

God! I missed her.

She holds my face and kissed me aggressively, I couldn't breath. I have my arms prop on either side of her head as I'm trying so hard to hold my self up because I don't want to crush her.

Her right hand move to the back of my neck and she pulled my face even closer to her. Her other hand moved to cup my breast and she squeeze them.

"I missed you". She moaned.

"I missed you too". I tried saying while I'm kissing her back. God! I am getting so hot right now.

She swiftly move both of her hands lower to my abdomen to pry open my jeans. She attempted to slide her fingers inside my underwear but I caught it. I had to stop her before this goes elsewhere.

I pulled out of our kiss and I took a step back. She was panting and I started laughing at her face, her lips still puckering at a funny angle.

How can she get so turned on right now? I shook my head and chuckle. I find Alex really amusing sometimes.

"What? Come back here". She begged, her hand reaching out to me.

"No, we are not doing it here". I said gently, so I don't hurt her feelings.

"Ugh". She groaned and relax back on her bed.

"Seriously? You horny right now?". I asked amused.

I step closer to Alex's side and place my hands on either side of her cheeks to keep her still.

"I love you so much, Alex". I whispered.

"I love you too". She replied and stretch her arm for me to give her a hug.

This is a shout out for my girl, "NikaOtottova". Thank you for the lovely message. 😘

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