Engagement Ring

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Alex's POV

Last night was probably one of the worst night in my life. My over protective side kicked in or maybe after everything that happened to me and Piper I am that scared of loosing her. She means a lot to me and she's the only person in my life now that keeps me sane. She makes me want to live. If I loose her, I don't know what will happen to me.

I keep thinking about that as I lay there in our bed while Piper is fast asleep and I can hear her little snore.
I have to propose to her. I want us to be official and I don't want to waste anymore time.

I got up in bed slowly and took a quick shower. I don't want to wake Piper or I'm not going to be able to go.

When I finished the shower and dressing up, I slowly open our bedroom door, I grab my car keys and left.

I drop by at a coffee shop first to have coffee and breakfast. After eating I went to a jewelry store and look for a nice engagement ring for Piper.

There are a lot of choices here. I should've brought Nicky with me. But I don't want Piper to freak out when she wakes up all alone in our house.

The sales lady probably saw me confused so she come over and helped me.

"Do you need any help?". She offered.

"Um... Yes please. There's so much choices here and I don't know what to choose". I admitted.

She chuckled. "Yes, It's normal. That's okay. Are you looking something for yourself?".

"No, I'm looking for an engagement ring for my wife. I'm going to propose to her this time". I said proudly.

"Aww, a second wedding? That's so sweet. Okay, how about these". She grab a bunch of rings for me to choose from.

There's one that stand out for me.

"I think I like this one".

"That's a classic solitaire 18k diamond. That's a really good choice". She commented.

"I'll get that one". I blurted out.

"Okay then". The lady said smiling. 

After paying she put the ring in a small bag and hand it over to me.

"Thank you so much". I told her.

"No problem. Congratulations on your engagement". She said smiling.

As I was about to leave my phone vibrated. It's from, Nicky.

Nicky: Where are you? Blondies, looking for you.

Me: I'm at the mall. I need some time alone. Don't tell her where I am.

I decided since I'm out that I should go shopping. After about 5 minutes my phone vibrated again. It's a text message from Piper.

Piper: Alex, where are you? Please text me. I'm worried and I'm sorry about last night.

I thought I should ignore her for now. I'm not mad at her anymore but I figure I should spend this day alone. I need this, I need time alone for myself.

I went to look for new clothes. I never liked going shopping before. Maybe this isn't that bad. I think I'm starting to like it.

My phone vibrated again and it's Piper calling me. I put my phone back in my bag and I felt it vibrated one more time.

I am having a nice time shopping that I didn't notice the time. It's about lunch time. I decided to go eat at a restaurant and It feels weird having to eat alone. I'm usually going out with Piper or with Nicky.

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