The Fog

813 18 14

Alex's POV

Everything is heavy and aching, my limbs, my head and I can't seem to open my eyes, open my mouth or move my hands. I don't understand what is happening to me. I know I was in a car accident but why can't I move? I feel like I am trapped inside a bubble and I can't seem to get out.

Suddenly I feel like I just surface from a fog and I can hear voices.

"No! my wife is coming back!."


"She is coming back. I know she will".

I try so hard to open my eyes and speak. Piper is in distress and she needs me.

"Nicky, Alex is coming back right? Please say she is coming back to me. We're supposed to get married".

Nicky? She's here too? I don't understand why Piper is so upset. Of course we are getting married. I was going to propose to her.

"She will come back.
Alex, is coming back, Piper. Don't worry".

I'm here, Piper. I'm not going anywhere.

I felt someone hold my hand.

"Oh baby, please come back to me. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Just wake up please. I miss you."

She was... sorry? What was with the apologies? If it wasn't for my stupidity in the first place I wouldn't have been in this situation.

"Alex, I love you so much. I know you are strong".
"You have to live. Please live for me".

I love you too Piper, I'm here.

I lost consciousness.

The fog lifts again.


Someone is calling my name but I don't recognize the voice.

"I know it hurts. But we're going to lower your sedation and check on your neuro function".

"Don't fight the intubation, this won't take long".

Suddenly I can feel pain. Too much pain. What the hell is happening to me?
I don't like this. Please make it stop... Please...

Why aren't they doing anything to stop the pain?.

"Can you squeeze my hand?".
"How about one finger. Can you move one finger?".

I am trying. But my hand won't move. Fuck! I know that if I can just move my finger, even just a little that I'll be able to break free from here.

The fog is trying to close on me again but I fought it.

I felt someone touch my hand.

"Al, can you just... Can you live..
Can you live for me? Please?..
Alex, I could never imagine my life without you. You are the most important person in my life. Please don't leave me. I need you"

Oh Piper, I'm so sorry. I'm here and I won't leave you. I promise.

How the hell can I get out of this?

I lost consciousness again.


The fog lifts and I have no sense of time.

"Hey, Chapman!".

Nicky? I tried to open my eyes again.

"How's our girlfriend here?".
I felt her kissed me gently on my cheek.

"Still sleeping". Piper answered.

Piper! I tried calling her.

"You know I'm getting tired of waiting here, Vause. You're lucky you don't have to eat the food they serve here. Makes me think back about prison".

Oh, I'm sorry Nicky. If only I could wake up from this.

"Dr. Shepherd said she's healing nicely. The swelling in her brain has gone down".

"Well that's good news. Atleast we have that".

My brain? I think this is why I couldn't wake up. I try opening my eyes again, but I couldn't. What is happening to me. I try moving my hands and it won't move. This is very frustrating.

I heard Piper's voice again.

"Nicky, why is this happening?"

"Why is the universe so cruel to me?. She put my wife through a windshield".

"I mean what the hell is going on?" I can hear the aching and confusion in her voice.

"What's the point. I mean, is there a reason for all of this?".

"Because if you can think of a reason, any reason at all, why the universe is so screwed up...and random and mean, now would be an amazingly good time to tell me. Because I really need some answers".

I have to wake up from this. Piper, needs me. She's scared. I need to wake up for my wife.

"I don't have the answer why the universe is so cruel to us, but I do know that Alex here, is going to beat the shit out of the Universe and she is going to wake up and everything will be okay". I heard Nicky, speak.

"Is it? Will everything's going to be okay? Because I am so exhausted of trying to fight this miserable life. I just want Alex, to wake up. Is that too much to ask?".

"No, no, Piper it's not. You're okay".

I can hear muffled sobs from, Piper. Hearing her cry like that feels like a sharp claw is tearing my heart apart.
I try moving my hands, my eyes but nothing will move.

No!. . . Oh . . . the darkness is closing in again.


I would like to thank everyone for reading this far and for those who like my work. It means so much to me and I would love to hear from you guys in the comment section.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe.

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