The Doctor

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Piper's POV

After spending a week in Florida we stayed home for another week to wind down the blissful euphoria of our honeymoon. I can't explain how amazing our time was. If a word could be transformed into a picture, that would be a kid's face at Disneyland.

Coming home from our honeymoon is not fun, we have a shit tons on gifts and cards to open. I have to keep a running list of who gave what, so that I can send a thank you note.

I also decided to take Alex's last name. Ofcourse she was over the moon happy. But changing my name after the wedding is no simple task. I need to update everything, like my passport, driver's license, bank account, social security and insurance.


"I miss Nicky". Alex said as we were sitting on the couch one morning just after having breakfast.

"You should call her". I suggested.

"Maybe we could invite her over tonight".

Alex reach for her phone and call Nicky. She put it on loud speaker so I could hear.

It took Nicky a long time to answer her phone which is not very surprising. Sometimes we even have to call her multiple times just to get a hold of her.

"Hello Alex?". Nicky's voice is naturally raspy but right now her voice sounded rougher and strained.

"Hey Stranger!". Alex said.

"Hi, How's your honeymoon?". Nicky asked and I saw Alex's eyebrows scrunching together.

"Wait, are you okay?". Alex asked this time. I know it wasn't just me who noticed the change in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine". She said dismissively. She would've fooled us if she didn't cough in the end.

"You're sick aren't you?". Alex pressed.

"What? Ofcourse not!". She said defensively but her voice is really strained and you can tell she's not in a good shape.

"You know I can smell bullshit from miles away. You don't fool me, Nichols. ". Alex said.

"It's just a normal cold, okay?". She insisted but neither of us believed her.

"How long are you sick?".I blurted "And don't you dare even lie to me". I warned.

"Oh, hi Piper." She sigh deeply. "Ummmm, almost a week now". She said and coughed again.

"What? Are you insane? That's not a normal cold. We're going there, now!". Alex said sternly.

I was driving us to Nicky's apartment and Alex keep mumbling in the car the entire ride about Nicky being so difficult and not looking after herself.

When we got to her place she already left the door open for us and we found her laying down on the couch wearing a grey sweatshirt with matching pajamas. I can clearly see she doesn't look good.

"You look like crap!" Alex said.

"Thank you, I saw myself in the mirror this morning" Nicky shot back.

Alex walk over to her and touch her forehead.

"Oh my goodness you're so hot. Why didn't you tell us you're sick?".

"And then what? Ruin your honeymoon? How was it by the way?". She asked smirking.

"Where's Amelia?" I asked ignoring her question.

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