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Alex's POV

"I don't need to leave... I can stay here. I'll help you". I told Piper, while she's busy preparing the house for her bachelorette party.

Her whole family arrived yesterday and they are staying at Nicky's apartment. Nicky, was so generous enough to welcome them in her home. She has a nice place and if it was me, I'd rather stay there as well than stay in a hotel.

Me and Nicky are going somewhere else tonight for my bachelorette party and I have no idea where she's taking me.

"No, no, it's your bachelorette party too so you have to go. Besides I already have help here".

It's true, Neri is here, her mom, Callie, Lexie and Amelia.

Nicky and Amelia are finally dating, which I'm really happy for them. Amelia, turns out to be really sweet and caring towards Nicky.

"Bachelorette parties are created for those who are sad to see the passing of their single days. I am not even sad so there's no point in going". I whined.

"Absolutely true". She agreed.

"So am I allowed to stay then?". I said hopeful.

"No! You still have to go. We already planned this, Al". Piper turned around to face me and place her hands on my chest.

"Listen, I want you to have fun tonight". She whispered. "After tomorrow we're officially Married and you're stuck with me forever". She lean forward and kiss the tip of my nose.

"So? That doesn't sound bad". I replied.

"I know but you still have to go. Don't disappoint, Nicky, she was looking forward to this". And by that she got me. Nicky, wouldn't shut up about this for days now.

I give up and packed my things. The wedding is tomorrow and I won't be sleeping here tonight, because according to the tradition that my wife found over the internet you are not supposed to see the bride before the wedding. Which is very tricky considering there are two brides. So me and Nicky will be staying at their penthouse.

At 7 pm I was packed and ready to leave.
I got out of our bedroom and I can immediately hear the ladies laughing. I walk to the living room and the whole place is decorated with pink balloons and there's a table at the center with different kinds of desserts.

What caught my attention is the bright pink cake in the middle with a cake topper that says "same vagina forever". I also noticed some cupcakes that made to look like breasts and there's even cookies shaped as vaginas. There's also a banner with words like "Two brides are better than one".

I laugh and shake my head. This what makes Piper so excited about?. Now I'm secretly glad that I'm not staying, this is too feminine for my taste. I search for my wife and I saw her sitting in the corner wearing a veil and posing for pictures.

I can't help and smile at her. She's clearly enjoying this party which makes me happy for her. Lexie and Callie are taking her pictures while Nicky and Amelia are sitting on the sofa talking to each other.
Piper's mom is standing beside the dessert table looking at the food. She probably doesn't like what she's seeing there which I find very amusing.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I spin around to see that it was Neri. Oh Jesus!
She's definitely the most least people I want to have a conversation with. I don't hate her in general but there's something about her that bugs me. I don't like her attitude towards, Piper and my wife can't see that but I'm good at reading people.

"Ready to leave?". She asked.

"Yeah, I'm just going to say goodbye to Piper".

"You know what I think?". She said while holding a glass of wine.

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