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Piper's POV

I keep calling Alex's phone but she's not picking up.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!". I shouted and I throw my phone across the room.

Nicky, ducked her head. "Chapman! Calm down. I'll try calling her". Nicky said.

We are back inside my office. I am so worried about, Alex. I need to talk to her.

"She's not answering". Nicky informed me.

"This is all a mistake. I need to talk to, Alex". I uttered.

"Piper, just give her some space. She won't listen to you even if you try to explain. I mean we clearly saw what happened out there".

"This is why I need to explain, Nicky. She kissed me, Zelda, kissed me I didn't kiss her". I explained.

"Well if you're standing from where we're standing. It doesn't look that way". She admitted.

I am a terrible person. How can I allow this to happen.

"I'm going, I need to find her". I said.

"Piper, that's not very smart. We don't even know where she went". She replied.

Yes she's right, I don't even know where to look.

I pick up my phone from the floor and call Alex again.

This time she answered the phone.

"Oh my God! Alex? Alex, I am so sor-".

"Hello?". It was a man's voice who answered Alex's phone.

"Who's this? Why do you have my wife's phone?". I asked wondering.

"Hello Ma'am, this is from Ohio Medical Hospital. Your wife was in a serious car accident. We ask you to come here right now". He informed me.

"What? Car accident? Is my wife okay?". I asked panicking.

"I'm sorry Ma'am but we can't tell you anything over the phone right now. We need you to come here". He said.

"I'll be there". I hung up my phone.

"What? Is Alex okay?". Nicky asked

"I don't know, Nicky. But we have to go to the hospital now".

I grab my bag and we rushed to the car.
My hands are shaking. My whole body is shaking.

Nicky grab the keys from me.
"I'll drive". She offered.

The hospital is not far from here.

"This is my fault. I hope she's okay". I blurted.

"Hey, hey, Alex is going to be alright. Okay?". Nicky said.

We got to the hospital and I run to the ER. I went straight to the Nurse's Station.

"Excuse me, my wife is here she was in a car accident. Her name is Alex Vause. Tall woman, pale with black hair". I said terrified.

"Ma'am your wife is in surgery right now and the doctors are trying their best to help her".

"How is she? Is she okay?".

"I can't tell you anything, not after surgery. I'll have someone to take you to the waiting area. We just need you to relax for now". She said.

"Relax? How can I relax it's my wife and you're not telling me anything!". I shouted at the nurse.

How dare she tell me to relax!

Nicky, grab my arm.

"I'm sorry she's just worried".
"Come on, Piper". Nicky dragged me to a chair.

"You sit here while I'll get you some water". She went to the vending machine.

This is all my fault. Alex, was in a car accident because of me. I did this to her. How can I let this happen? I'm supposed to protect her.

Nicky came back with 2 water bottles and gave me the other one. She sit beside me.
She's so quiet I know she's worried about Alex, too.

Then a nurse came and asked us to follow her to the waiting area.

Their waiting area is very spacious with high quality large black leather couches and pleasantly lit high ceiling room. This place is built to give comfort but fear crept over me and I was suddenly hit by the realization that Alex, is in danger.

"Nicky, I can't lose, Alex". I blurted.

I am trying so hard not to burst into tears.

"She is going to be fine, the doctors are doing everything". Nicky said.

After an hour of waiting a doctor came to see us.

"I'm Dr. Shepherd, I'm the head of Neuro. How are you related to the patient?".

"I'm Piper Chapman, she is my wife".

"Ms. Chapman your wife suffered a Massive Head Trauma. She has broken ribs. She lost a lot of blood and we had to revive her during the surgery and we also need to intubate her". The doctor informed.

Revived her? What does he mean revived her? My wife almost died? I have all these questions but I couldn't open my mouth to speak.

"She became hypothermic so we had to stop the surgery.
We had to pack her up and stop or else she's gonna bleed to death.". The doctor continue.

"You had to pack her up?". I asked finally finding my voice to speak.

"Yes, we had to do a Temporary Abdominal Closure or else she won't make it. Her body needs time to recuperate. We're going back again when she's stronger enough". He explained.

Oh my God. My poor wife.

"So where is she now?". I asked.

"Right now she's in the ICU. We're closely monitoring her".

"Can I see her?".

"Yes you can but I have to warn you she's not in a good shape. Her injuries were very extensive".

"She has 7 broken ribs, some cracked in her skull, she has a broken leg and bruises all over her body".

I had to sit down I can't seem to feel my legs. They were numb. My wife is in danger and she's hurting all because of me.

"I want to see her". I demanded.

"Okay, follow me".

Nicky, had to hold me. I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my body. I feel hollow. How can I let this happen to my wife. How can I allow this to happen to her?

We took the elevator going to the ICU. We reach the 5th floor and the elevator door open. The Doctor step out and continue walking straight to a glass double door.

"Only one person is allowed, we have to minimize the risk of infection".

"I'll stay here, Piper". Nicky said.

I walk to the door and it automatically open.
There on the bed is my wife. Broken and mangled. She has tubes and wires everywhere.

I walk slowly to her side and sit on the chair.

I looked at her limp form on the bed with her black hair around her face.
There were bruises surrounding her face, neck and arm. Every inch of her body are full of bruises and she has a tube in her mouth. Oh God!

Gently, I lifted her hand which was wrapped in white gauze and put it on my cheek.

I can't help it and I burst into tears.

I keep blaming myself for what happened to my wife.
How can I not. I am a walking disaster. I bring chaos to everyone who gets close to me. I ruin everything.

What if Alex, won't ever come back from this? I could never imagine my life without her.

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