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Zelda's POV

I woke up well rested. I look over at my clock and It's 9:30 am. I have a lunch meeting later.
I got up and made coffee and toast.
While eating breakfast I checked my emails and messages.

At around 10:30 I started getting ready. I took a shower and picked my clothes. I decided to wear pants suit and a blazer jacket and high heel shoes.

By 11:30 I was out of my apartment and driving on the street of Ohio going to the restaurant.

I parked my car outside the restaurant and I went inside.
I look around the place and there where atleast 80 people inside. But the place is huge and it doesn't feel crowded. On the far right corner of the restaurant I notice a lovely blond family. The man on the far end table looks very familiar to me. 
Oh my god, It's Piper's dad. I walk over to their table.

"Mr. Chapman?". He looked at me confused at first then I notice his eyes lit up when he recognized me.

"Zelda darling!". He stood up and gave me a slight hug. "It's good to see you here. I thought you are at North Hampton".

"Well I was there and I got assigned here 2 months ago". I informed him.

"By the way this is my wife, my parents, that's my son Cal, and his wife and their daughter. That's Nicky, Piper's friend". My heart lurched a little when I heard Piper's name.

"Piper is here too?". I asked

"Yes, she's here". He replied.

My heart is beating so fast now. Piper is here.

"We came to visit her, she lives her now. It was her birthday yesterday and her wife gave her a surprise birthday party. She's probably at the lady's toilet with her". He informed me.

Wife? So her wife must've gotten out of prison. This is news to me. I don't think I'm ready to see her yet.

"Zelda?" I recognized Piper's voice. I turn around to look at her. It's been a long time since I saw her. She looked gorgeous.

"Oh my God. It's really you". Piper said surprised.

"Hey Piper!". I went over to her and give her a hug. "I've missed you so much".

Wow! She is stunning and she looks happy.

"I can't believe I would see you here. What are you doing here? I thought you went to North Hampton". Piper asked curious.

"Yes I was there but I got assigned  here a couple months ago. I'm doing this new project and I'm meeting with the investors today. Happy Birthday!. You're dad told me". I told Piper.

God! it is so good to see her.

"Oh Zelda, by the way this is Alex". Piper introduced her wife to me.

I look at the woman who walked beside her.
I tried so hard to hide my discomfort. I was expecting to see a totally different person and not like her. I never saw her before and I am in awe when I finally see her.

"Alex, this is Zelda". Alex smiled at me and extend her hand. We shake hands.

"It's nice to meet you Alex". I said trying to hide my discomfort. She's very intimidating.

"Same here". She said in that friendly perfect deep voice. She smiled at me and she turn around and went to sit.

She is tall, hot and breathtakingly stunning. She has a beautiful figure and very gorgeous. The kind where every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. She's full of confidence but very reserved.

"Why don't you sit with us". Piper offered.

"You know I would love to but I have a lunch meeting. Those are the new investors for my new project. I have to impress them". I told Piper.

"I'm sure you'll do great. I've seen you before. You're excellent at your job". Piper said and that means a lot hearing from her.

"I hope we can go out sometime. We need to catch up. I don't have a lot of friends here so it's very comforting to know somebody from home". Piper said.

"Yes of course. I'll give you my cell so we can keep in touch with each other". I offered.

"Great! That's great. Here's my phone number". We exchanged phone numbers.

"I'm sorry but I really have to go. They're all waiting for me". I apologize to Piper. Though I would love to stay and talk to her.

I went over to Piper's dad and said goodbye and gave him another hug.

I look at Alex one more time and gave her a smile. She smiled back. She's like a goddess.

"Text me we'll catch up soon". Piper reminded me and I gave her a hug.

I turn around and walk over to our table. I gather myself first.

"Good afternoon everyone". I said as I approached the table. This is going to be a long day and I can't focus on my work because I keep looking at Piper's table.

I can even hear some of the investors talking about Alex. Yes, she's very pretty and classy. No wonder Piper love her so much. She's perfect.

Our food arrived and everyone is talking and having fun. The food here is delicious.

I glance over at Piper's table.

She's talking to Alex their heads close to each other and they look like they were having fun.

A second later Piper whispered something to her wife and they both giggle. I watched how Alex move closer to Piper and kissed her on the cheek. Then Piper moved Alex's arm open and she casually lean her back to her and lay her head on her shoulder. Alex then wrap her arms around Piper.

They both look so comfortable with each other. 
Probably all the people in the restaurant are stealing glances at them because both of them are stunningly good looking.

I felt a little jealous. I'm still not getting over with Piper.  I didn't realized I was staring at both of them when I was suddenly looking at a pair of green eyes. Alex caught me staring at them. I looked away instantly. Embarrassed.

After a while I risk looking at them again. Piper yawned she look tired and I noticed Alex whisper something to her and kissed her head. That must've felt good. You can really see how much she love her.

Piper probably said something funny to her wife because she laughed. I can't help and wonder what it feels like to have a relationship like that. They are so full of trust with each other.


I was talking to one of the investors when I look over and Piper is walking toward me. I think they're about to leave.

I excused myself and stood up and walk to her.

"We are leaving and I just want to say goodbye". Piper informed me.

"Alright, I'm really glad I saw you here and congratulations on, Alex. I'm glad you're together again". I told Piper.

But deep inside I think I'm going to explode. I still love her and I want to be with her.

"Thank you so much, I'm really happy she's with me now". Piper said and she looked genuinely happy.

"We'll catch up again soon. You have my number now and I'll see you around". I told Piper and I gave her a hug.

"Bye Zelda". She waved at me.

"Bye Piper". I don't want her to leave. I don't know why I feel sad about her leaving.

Alex is waiting for her patiently at the door. When Piper reach her she put her arm around Alex's waist and they walk out together. I watched them walk to their car. Alex opened Piper's door and helped her get in the passenger side. Then she walk around the car and climbed in the driver seat.

Piper, is very lucky to have Alex in her life. I can't blame her that she chose Alex, over me.

God! I am still in love with her.

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