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Piper's POV

I settle myself in the corner of the store while I let Alex choose the phone she wants. I open my phone and check my emails.

I look up and see Alex, is looking at the new edition iPhone. I can't stop admiring her. She's so hot.

I shift my eye from her and that's when I notice the sales lady eyeing Alex's ass, she tilt her head to the side and shake her head a little. She's checking out my wife.

Alex's back is facing me so I can't see her face.

The lady started walking toward my wife and stop a few inches from her. I saw her fix her hair and smoothen her clothes. She even took a deep breath. She then walk over to my wife and say something to her but I couldn't hear them so I just watched perplexed.

I saw Alex, point her finger on the phone.

The sales lady just kept staring at my wife and then I notice her eyes widen and her face turns red. She even lost her balance and start to shift her foot to gain stability. I wonder what Alex, is saying to her. She looks uncomfortable.

I can feel my heart beating faster. I'm confused as to why the sales lady would react that way. I wonder what Alex, said to her apart from just buying a phone. This is bad.

And then out of nowhere she laughed a little too loud. Another sign of distress.

I watch her open her mouth to say something and she touch Alex's arm.

"Perfect". I heard Alex, says triumphantly.

"What the hell!". I said mentally. I know what's going on here.

I walk over to Alex, and I wrap my right arm around her waist.

"Sweetie, did you find something you like?". I said sweetly but keep my eyes fix on the lady.

I then lean my head on Alex's left shoulder purposely to mark my territory. I held up my hand and put it on Alex's arm to show my wedding ring. I watch the lady's eyes move to Alex's hand and saw her wedding ring too.

"Yes, I like this one". Alex, replied.

"We'll get this". I hissed at the sales lady.
"And AirPods too". I am so pissed at this point.

She started walking away.
"That's right bitch! Keep walking" I said mentally.

"What is wrong with you?". Alex asked bemused.

"Nothing". I snapped at her and started following the lady over the counter.

I keep shooting daggers at her. She kept her head down probably trying to avoid my glare. Alex, stand beside me and I move a little to the side careful not to make body contact with her.

After paying, Alex, grab the bag from the counter.

"Thank you". I heard her say to the lady.

"Um, no problem". The lady responded and she immediately turn around and went inside the back door. Probably too embarrassed.

I snatched the bag from Alex, and storm out of the store.

"Really, Piper?". She said exasperated.

I walk briskly not going to the car but toward the street. I cross the road and just continue walking.

Alex, is half running behind trying to keep up with me.

She reach me and grab my arm roughly.
"What the hell is wrong with you?". She asked frustrated.

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