After Party

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Alex's POV

We head back to the party after Piper showed me her surprise. I'm so thrilled. I can't believe she bought me a new car.

We spend the rest of the night just having fun with her family.

Cal, Piper's brother is actually very nice. He's so laid back and just embracing every moment of his life.
Cal and Piper are very much the opposite. My wife, needs to be in control. She plan things head on even though her plan usually sucks.

I am standing at the bar table and pour myself some champagne. The place is awesome. I have to thank Nicky, for it.

And speak of the devil. Nicky, is walking toward me.

"Nicky, thank you so much. This is awesome. Everything is amazing and the food? Ugh! Delicious". I told her sincerely.

"Don't mention it Vause. I'm glad you liked it. Seem like you were having a great time earlier. I thought this is supposed to be Piper's birthday". She said playfully.

"It is her birthday what are you talking about?".

"The way I heard you scream today, it sounds like it's your birthday. You know, that hickey looks good on you". She gave me a wink.

"You pervert!". I hold up my hand to my neck and chuckled.

At around midnight everybody decided to leave. Piper's family are heading back to the hotel and they are staying for another day before going back to New York. Callie and her boyfriend left too.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and they left. Nicky, are staying with us tonight.

We didn't go to bed yet. Piper, kept interrogating Nicky and asking her about some of our friends back in Litchfield Max.

At around 2am we decided to get some rest since we are all exhausted and we need to meet up with Piper's family the next day to spend time with them before they head back to New York.

After taking a shower I went straight to bed. I'm exhausted and within seconds I already fall asleep.

Piper's POV

I had so much fun today. I used to dread my birthday. But today was different. I was excited when I learned that Alex, is throwing me a party. Probably because of the time we spent apart that deep inside me are craving for something normal and this is my first birthday I celebrate with Alex after getting out of prison. It was a huge surprise for me that my family is here. But most especially I am very happy that Nicky, is here with us now.

I waited for Alex to finish shower so I can clean up next. I was sitting on the edge of our bed and looking at the pictures on my phone.

I heard Alex come out of the bathroom and into our bed.

"Finally, you're done. Oh god, I am so exhausted". I said talking to Alex.

"Look at this, you look good in this picture, babe". I turn around to show Alex my phone.

When I turn back she was asleep already. She's only wearing her underwear and a shirt and she's curled up in a ball.

I pulled the blanket over her body and kissed her.

She look so peaceful when she sleeps and I like watching her sleeping. I can't imagine my life without, Alex.


I woke up still tired the next day, I look at the clock and it's 7:30 am. I can hear Alex and Nicky laughing. I stretched on my bed and lay there for a little while just listening to the sound of Alex's beautiful laugh. I realized it's been a long time since I heard Alex laugh like this. I'm glad that Nicky, is here to keep her company.

I got up and went outside. I found them both in the kitchen making breakfast.

"You stupid little bitch!". Alex said playfully.

"Language, Vause. Fuck!". Said Nicky and they started laughing again.

"What's going on here?". I said as I got to the kitchen.

"Hey, babe. Good morning". Alex said looking at me smiling.

"Good morning, Chapman". Nicky greeted me.

"Hey, guys". I replied.

I went over to my wife and I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her from behind. I kissed her neck and just lean my head on her back.

"You okay?". Asked Alex.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just missed you".

Alex unwrap my hands around her waist and turn to face me. She holds my face between her hands and kissed me on my lips. I pulled her close to my body.

Her lips are so soft and so gentle. I can never get enough of my wife.

"Vause, the eggs are burning". Nicky interrupted us.

"Shit". Alex, let go of me and turn off the stove.

"Fuck! I hope you guys like burnt eggs".

I made us coffee and toast while the bacon Nicky, made is cooking in the oven.

We decided to eat breakfast at the patio. We're meeting with my parents around lunchtime so we still have plenty of time to kill.

Nicky, helped me in the kitchen while Alex is outside setting the table. I grab this opportunity to thank Nicky.

"Nicky, thank you for everything. Alex told me about the party and I'm glad that you're here. It's been a while since I heard Alex laughed so hard. I feel so guilty for always leaving her here alone at home, but I'm glad now that you're here". I told Nicky.

"Don't mention it, Piper. I'm happy I'm doing something right this time. I should be the one thanking you guys. I couldn't imagine when I left prison and I lived with my parents. I'll probably just go back to using again. So you saved me. Both of you". Nicky admitted.

"You know you can live here with us if you like. You can keep that extra room". I offered.

"Thanks, Piper. I would love that". Nicky said smiling.

We eat breakfast together. There's never a dull moment with, Nicky and I love how she and Alex banter.
I never laugh like this in a long time.

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