Big Mistake

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Piper's POV

It's been a week since the last time I went out with Zelda.

Alex had been so forgiving and understanding. We talked about it and she said she doesn't really mind if I see Zelda again.

She said that she trust me and I assure her that she has nothing to be worried about. Alex is my best friend but she also understand that I need to have friends outside our relationship too.

Sometimes we need to have a break from each other. She said it's healthy for our relationship.


I'm working today and I'm glad it's not a busy day.

I texted Alex if she wants to go out and have lunch.

Me: Do you want to go out and have lunch? I'm not busy.

Alex: I'm sorry babe, I can't. I have plans with Nicky.

That sucks. But I'm pleased she's going out with Nicky, I want her to get out of the house once in a while. I wonder what they're up to though but I didn't ask further. I know she's going to tell me all about it when I get home.

Me: Okay, have fun. I love you.

Alex: I love you too.

Oh well, guess I'll have to eat lunch alone then.

Just then I heard my phone ring.

It's Zelda.


"Hi Zelda, how are you?".

"I'm good thanks. Aren't you mad at me?". She asked.

"What? No. Why would I get mad at you?". I said confused by her question.

"I just thought you were mad at me about last time. You didn't text me so I figure you and Alex had a fight and you didn't want talk to me anymore". She confess.

"Oh, yes we had a moment but Alex, was very understanding about it. So you have nothing to worry about. We're okay, Zelda".

"That's good to know. I figure I should give you guys something as an apology". She said.

"You don't have to do that. It's not necessary, it's really okay". I insist.

"I kind of already bought it, so you actually have no choice". She note.

I breath deeply.

"Alright, I'm not busy right now. Maybe you can come by the office?". I suggest.

"Great! That would be lovely. I'll be there".

After 20 minutes, Zelda arrived.

She is holding 2 bouquets of huge flowers and 2 paper bags.

"Oh my God! Really, you didn't have to do this". I said very surprised.

"I'm very sorry, Piper". She apologize again.

"Stop apologizing". I demanded.

"Alex, would love this. Thank you". I gave her a hug.

She didn't really need to do this but I appreciated the gesture.

"I'm about to order lunch. Have you eaten yet?".

"No actually. Lunch sounds good to me". She replied.

I ordered us both some Italian food.

This is very unexpected but I'm pleased that Zelda, is here. I'm sure Alex, would love those flowers.

Our orders arrived and we ate inside my office. This is fun. I always enjoy talking to Zelda. It's effortless to be around her. There's no dull moment and we never run out of things to talk about and as always time flies so fast when I'm with her.

"What time is it?". She asked after a while.

I looked at the clock.
"It's 4:15".

"Oh God! Really?
I have a meeting in 5:00. I think I better go, Piper.
It's really nice talking to you".

She hurriedly pack her stuffs and grab her bag.

"I'll walk you to your car". I offered.

"Sure, I'll see you again next time?". She asked.

"Absolutely! We should arrange some dinner or something. I would love to bring, Alex so you guys get to know each other. I exclaimed.

I think it would be a great idea for them to get to know each other so there'll be no awkward moments. Maybe they could be friends too.

"That would be great". She said but sounding unsure.

We make it to her car and I gave her a hug.

I was about to say goodbye when suddenly she holds my face and kissed me on my lips. I wasn't expecting it.

I am in shock. I couldn't move my body. I'm try to process everything that's going on right now. I didn't know how long I stood there. I am so confused. I don't like this, this isn't what I want.

I grab her arm and gently pulled her away from me. I was gonna ask her what she was doing but when I looked at her she was crying. I don't understand why she's crying.

"Piper, I still love you and I want to be with you". She blurted.

I feel so bad for her but she needs to understand that it's not going to happen. I love Alex, and that wouldn't change.

"Zelda, I want you to listen to me very carefully". I started.

"I have a wife and I love her so much. You are a nice lady, I'm sure you'll find someone else to love, someone who will love you back and I'm very sorry but it's not me. I apologize If I caused you any pain, you should know that I do feel really bad. But this can't go on. I love Alex, I'm really sorry but I don't think I can be your friend anymore". I explained.

As much as I enjoy her company, I have to end this. It hurt me to do this to her. I never set out to hurt her, but I just did.

I wipe her eyes with my hand and I hold her face and kissed her cheek one last time.

She cried even harder.

That's when I heard a familiar voice shouting across the street from me.

"Open the door!". Nicky is hammering her fist on a red car.
"Don't do this. Fuck!". She screamed.

It's Alex's car.

"Alex?". I yelled.

She was backing up her car too fast that she almost hit another car passing by.

"Oh my God!". I exclaimed and run toward the street to where Nicky is standing.

"Alex! Come back!". Nicky shouted but Alex is speeding away.

"Fuck!". Nicky shouted and she raised her hands to her head and grab a handful of her bushy hair in frustration.

Zelda came running toward us.
She grab my hand.

"Are you okay?". She asked.

I can't look at her. I was trying to be nice and understanding because I know I've hurt her but now Alex, is the one hurting and I couldn't allow that.

"I think you should leave". I demanded.

"Piper, I'm sorry". She begun.

I looked at her and I wanted so bad to scream at her face.

"I don't want to see you ever again". I said and walk away from her.

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