Chapter 2

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Aleks and Zack left the bar with a drunken Rika. After the third beer, Rika's I-pour-my-heart-out-over-my-stupid-ex-boyfriend routine had started. That ended in more beers and flirtations with the table next to them. Zack took her home (as always) in a taxi, which wasn't that easy, because getting a drunken Rika into a taxi in the pouring rain was a real tightrope act.

Aleks said goodbye to them, opened an umbrella which he borrowed from the bar and set off on foot since he was only a few blocks away from his apartment. He checked the clock briefly, 2:54 am. Did I really spend 7 hours in the bar? With a smile on his face, he thought of their time together. Yes, time really was relative; if you had fun with your friends, it would fly by.

Aleks looked up to the stormy sky. Today the sky must be really sad since it's crying so much. Immediately the memory of that morning's dream resurfaced.

I'm lying on the ground, it's dark and pouring rain. I am alone; waiting for death.

He shook his head briefly, as if trying to dispel the memory. All of this is just my imagination, nothing else.

Lost in his thoughts, he walked on; only realizing when it was too late that he had ended up in the back alleys. This was usually his way home, but at three in the morning he usually avoided them; just to be on the safe side. Shuddering, Aleks was about to turn around when he heard a strange noise. It sounded like laughter but it was far too hoarse to be one. What the hell? Is there anyone? As if drawn by invisible hands, he hurriedly ran after the noise. What if ... no, no, I'm turning around now. What (on earth) am I doing running down this godforsaken side street? At night. Alone. But against all reason, Aleks continued running.

Accelerating down the alley, he chased the noise. He ran until he reached a dead end. There, on the wall, lay a slumped figure, exposed to the relentless rain without protection. He cautiously closer and stepped into a puddle. Nothing unusual, really, but when the smell of iron stung his nose, he looked down and saw the reddish splatters on his pants. He gagged and put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from vomiting. You're a doctor, you don't mind a little blood. But it wasn't just a little blood.

When he examined the figure more closely, he saw numerous bruises, a vertical cut through the area around the eyes, which was covered by his pitch-black hair, and a gaping wound on the lower abdomen. But what fascinated him most was his face. He had a distinctive face with a majestic nose and red lips. He was beautiful. How could he think about his face in this situation? Is he dead? Carefully he shook the man's shoulder and asked: "Are you awake?"

Suddenly the person moved and his eyes flickered open but he said nothing.

Oh my goodness, he is still alive and conscious.

This cruel condition again made him retch, but this time he couldn't suppress it. He rushed to the side and vomited against a wall. I have to help him, he thought, and he resolutely approached the injured man.

After a few seconds, he realized that if the man lost any more blood he would die. He had no choice. He had to close the gaping abdominal wound as quickly as possible since the man's breathing was getting weaker by the second.

Damn it, I don't have a choice.

Reluctantly, Aleks looked around the alley. No one's here. He collected himself and took a deep breath in and breathed out slowly. I have to do it, please don't let anyone see.

He took a penknife, that he always carried in his right jacket pocket, and scratched the palm of his hand until blood came out. Aleks ignored the small pain and pressed his hand over the man's wound. The man hissed in pain. Concentrate! Aleks calmed down and slowly inhaled and exhaled. His left palm began to glow. Faint at first, but then turned into a bright light that illuminated the alley. He carefully directed his life energy into the injured person's body and the wound began to close.

Completely exhausted, Aleks fell to his knees and stayed that way for a while. The umbrella, long since forgotten, lay next to him. The cold rain beating down on him brought him back to reality. They had to get out of here as quickly as possible because he couldn't be sure whether or not someone had actually seen them earlier. He didn't want to end up as the headline "Man heals seriously injured people with shining hands" in the newspaper; or worse - as a guinea pig in the laboratory.

He put his arm under the armpit of the unconscious man and pulled him up. Heaven, how much do you weigh? When Aleks stood up to his full height, he saw that the injured man would probably be a lot taller than he, if the man's legs weren't buckled. Step by step he pulled him towards his apartment, praying that nobody would meet him or see him at this time of day.

Somehow, he had made it, he didn't know how, but he had dragged the stranger into his apartment and laid him on the kitchen table. At that moment his doctor mode switched on and he routinely removed the patient's clothes with a pair of scissors he took a rag and wiped off the remaining dirt and blood which the rain hadn't already removed.

Completely absorbed, he forgot that his soaking wet clothes were dripping water all over the floor. No, the patient's wellbeing was the first priority. During the first part of his internship, he had worked as a paramedic and in the emergency room, so he had learned how to routinely examine patients for injuries and treat them. He had countless bruises and cuts all over his body, a broken right forearm, and at least three broken ribs. Not to mention the horizontal cut over his eyes. They must have been torn to shreds by a blunt blade, as the wound did not look like an ordinary cut. It appeared as if someone had scratched his eyes with a nail.

He took disinfectant, sewing kits, and bandages from the first aid kit that he kept in his apartment for emergencies, and cleaned and bandaged the wounds. He also temporarily splinted the man's broken arm. Finally, he carefully moved the injured man into his bed and covered him with several blankets to keep him warm. Then he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When the warm water hit his ice-cold skin, Aleks lost all strength. He sank to the floor and closed his eyes. Only then did he realize what he had just done. He had dragged a complete stranger, a seriously injured man into his apartment and looked after him. He neither knew this person nor did he know whether he would survive the night. Not only that, he had used his ability that he had hidden from the public and healed the man. Hopefully, no one noticed. What should he do now?

Exhausted, he heaved himself out of the shower and pulled on sweatpants and a T-shirt. He looked into his bedroom one last time and heard the stranger breathing softly. With a sigh, he lay down on the sofa, covered himself up, and immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.


Puh, that was a long night. What do you think of the uninvited guest? Would you have reacted the same way as Aleks did? Your opinion in the comments please!

And a shoutout to my diligent proofreader =) You're the best!

Your Mouse Goddess

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