Aleks felt himself flying out of the window and falling. Shit, he would break his neck. He waited for the impact, but nothing happened. He fell onto something like a membrane, and it gave way. It felt like he was sliding through pudding. He opened his eyes but immediately closed them, as his brain was overwhelmed with the play of colors around him. Suddenly, he felt like he was standing on solid ground again.
He blinked and tried to see where he was. But before he was fully aware of his surroundings, he was torn backwards. Several hands blindfolded him and tied him up. Even if he resisted, he knew he had no chance.
It suddenly got loud and he heard several voices shouting wildly before he was grabbed and dragged away. At some point, he was placed on a more or less soft surface – a bed? – and he heard the sound of a lock, followed by silence. He laiy alone in a room, at an unknown location, waiting.
"A healer, immediately!"
Damn, do they have to scream so loudly?
Rukia had just made it through the portal. His wound was deep and he was bleeding heavily. Damn Leviathan. He had escaped by a hair's breadth. If even one detail hadn't fitted, he would now be dead. His subordinates carefully carried him to the hospital room, where his healers were waiting for him. It's going to be painful... But he was used to pain. Don't worry, the lad is going to pay for it.
It took hours for someone to come. A subordinate opened the prisoner's cell and entered. The prisoner didn't move an inch and he carefully approached him to do his job.
Aleks heard someone approaching. He froze, waiting until the person was closer to him. In the past few hours, he had freed himself from the shackles by activating his ability. He had hardened his hands and forcibly tore the shackles. However, upon examining the room he had unfortunately found that there was no other exit except the door; and it was locked.
He might have been able to break through it, but that would have drawn too much attention to him, so it wasn't a good idea. The only alternative was to wait and overwhelm the poor one that would eventually come to check on him. So, he laid here on his back, playing the poor, frightened prisoner as they approached.
As soon as the footsteps stopped next to him, he reacted fast. He grabbed the person and pulled him forward, where his knee was waiting for him. With a crash, he felt all the tension of his opponent's body giving away. He then sat down and set to work. Aleks swapped his clothes with his opponent's. Then he used the shackles to restrain the unconscious man and gagged him with a piece of fabric so that if he awakened, he wouldn't be able to call for help. He placed him on the bed in such a way that it wasn't immediately clear that it wasn't Aleks. It won't last long.
He put on the foreign clothes - a kind of two-piece robe with a hood. With the hood, he was able to cover his blond hair for the time being, but he had to find a way out as soon as possible before they discovered the person on the bed wasn't Aleks.
The other wore a chain that had strange pendants attached to it. Aleks hung that around his neck, thinking that it might come in handy.
Carefully, he peered into the aisle, quickly looking left and right. The coast is clear, thank God. But which way to go?
In movies, the main actors always ran around a bit and then accidentally found the exit, but Aleks doubted that he would be that lucky. This is probably a labyrinth I'd be running around in. After ten years, they'll find my skeleton and wonder where it might have come from.

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅
ParanormalBelial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked. »» ------------------------ ★ ------------------------ «« Belial has been searc...