Chapter 5

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Aleks straightened his shoulders and took a step towards Belial. "Good. You can stay here for the time being and I will help you, but I have a few conditions."

"What are your conditions?" Belial asked, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. He has courage, I have to give him that. For some reason, Belial was fascinated by Aleks' nature. Not just the honest way in which he spoke to him, but the way that Aleks seemed to be thinking. Overall, he was surprised that Aleks had mastered the situation so confidently. Most other people in this situation would have already gone nuts and fled.

After a moment's thought, Aleks finally began speaking. "My first condition is: while you are here, you will not harm me. You won't hurt me or drink my blood."

"That can be arranged, even if I don't like the blood drinking matter."

"Well, second, you won't go outside or contact anyone while you're here. And third, once you recover, you will disappear and we will never see each other again. You will also not tell anyone about me or give even the slightest detail about my identity," Aleks said, concluding his demands.

These were all reasonable terms, but for some reason, Belial's stomach contracted at the thought of them never seeing each other again. He wasn't sure why, but he decided that it would be best to ignore that feeling for now. He would look into that later along with the fact that Aleks remained impervious to his powers. He nodded and agreed.

"Then there is only one thing left to clarify for the time being: What do you eat? And how do you get better as quickly as possible?" Aleks asked.

Belial replied curtly: "The same as you humans. Meat provides the most energy. But nothing beats blood."

Then, an idea occurred to Aleks. "What about animal blood?"

Belial made a face of disgust. "Only if it's really necessary."

So, then demons don't like animal blood. "What about stored human blood?" Not that he could get any right now. He couldn't break into a hospital and steal it. But it was good to know - just in case, of course.

The demon grimaced thoughtfully and replied, "I've heard of demons that feed themselves this way, but I can't say anything about it myself. I would have to try that."

Well, then that was settled. "Then I'll go shopping now. You stay here and... rest," Aleks instructed.

Belial nodded briefly, but there was nothing else that he could do. In his condition, it was difficult – rather impossible – to get up and keep Aleks from leaving. Even as these thoughts occurred to the demon, he wondered what reason he would even have to stop the mortal in the first place. The only thing that he was certain of was that he didn't want to let Aleks go.

Aleks put a bottle of water on the bedside table next to him and shortly afterwards, Belial heard him put on his shoes and jacket and leave the apartment. After the door was closed, there was only silence.

The demon was alone. However, the stillness gave him the opportunity to recapitulate the last hour. While he was thinking, he noticed how cold he felt and that the scent of roses and rain slowly wore off after sunrise. It felt like something was missing. But the mortal had only been gone for a maximum of ten minutes.

I want to see his face. He didn't know anything about Aleks. The only things he knew about him were that his voice and scent helped calm him. What does he look like? What colors are his hair and eyes? What's his job? What hobbies does he have? And finally, why is he immune to his powers, and how far does this immunity go? Belial resolved to ask all of these questions once the human was a bit more comfortable around him. Presently, he decided that he would take it easy and concentrate on restoring his eyesight. The blood he had drawn from Aleks was enough to temporarily quell him, but he realized that he would soon need more food. I won't hurt him, was the last thought Belial had before he fell asleep.

On arriving at the grocery store, Aleks bought two weeks' worth of everything he believed that a demon would eat. Demon. No, don't think about it. You shouldn't have to be told that something is wrong with this situation. Suddenly his cell phone rang, interrupting his train of thought. He reluctantly answered Zack's call, "Hello?"

Zack's answered. <Hey Aleks, it's me. What's going on? Are we going to have another movie night today?>

Damn. Today was their weekly movie night and there was no way that he could explain to Zack that nobody was allowed to enter his apartment for the next few weeks because there was an injured demon in his bed. Well, there was no other way. "Unfortunately, it doesn't work." And as always, he couldn't flat out lie. Whenever he tried to tell a lie, his throat tightened and he felt sick; it was like he was literally unable to lie.

<Have the nuns hired you for their services again? Do you have to help them with any renovation work again?>

"Yes, the orphanage really needs renovations." That wasn't a lie because the orphanage really did need renovations but it didn't answer Zack's question either.

However, Zack didn't seem to notice and took this as a confirmation of his guess. <Man, you just have a heart that is way too big. You always have to help everyone. But at least you have chosen the right profession for that. Message me once you're free.>

"Sure, I'll get in touch. See you later." Aleks responded, continuing to browse the supermarket aisles.

<Ok, see you later, buddy.>

Aleks hung up with a gnawing feeling in his stomach; ignoring it, he continued shopping. I didn't have a choice, I can't put my friends in danger. Just the thought that something might happen to them because of him, was enough to give him goosebumps. He didn't know Belial, nor could he anticipate what Belial would do once he had recovered. He could only hope that he would stick to their bargain. He went to the cashpoint and paid, then made his way to his apartment in which, as of today, he would no longer live alone. It will work out.


Living with a demon, what do you think how it works? Ideas and wishes in the comments ;D.

As always, I am happy about your comments, criticism and of course your recommendation.


Your Mouse Goddess

PS: A little shoutout to Kibika, ReleisTheFirst and ani_dn. Love their work. I know I'm a little fish, but I hope you like it.

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