Chapter 4

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"Are you fucking insane? How can I calm down if you just bit me in the hand and drank my blood?" Aleks shouted in a panic.

Belial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked.

Completely overwhelmed by all the questions in his head, Aleks tried to calm down by first distancing himself from the stranger. He leaned against the closet at the other end of the room and tried to process what had happened.

The stranger tried to get up, hissing at the resounding pain.

"For heaven's sake, lie down! You are far too badly injured and have lost a lot of blood."

Surprised, the stranger frowned and carefully touched the eye bandage, but, contrary to expectations, he made no further movement to stand.

Aleks focused his thoughts and tried to grasp the whole situation. You have an injured, blind vampire lying on your bed who is probably insanely hungry and just doesn't eat you up because he can't move. Excellent.

"Will you eat me?"

If he hadn't been overwhelmed with the situation, he would have described his counterpart's facial expression as dumbfounded. In fact, Belial was astonished. Not only by the question but also by the fact that the mortal was still in the room and had not already fled or attacked him. He just asked him if he wanted to eat him. "I don't know how your brain got there, but my species doesn't eat human flesh. We are not savages," he said, aggrieved, without going into the issue of immunity, at least for now. He would come back to it later if his counterpart had calmed down.

Unbelievable. Did he really have an offended undertone? Anger rose in Aleks, and he replied, "How my brain got there!! You just tried to bite half of my hand off after I dragged you here, bleeding and treated you yesterday! Do you have any idea how much you weigh? Have you eaten stones? I'm going to summon an exorcist and drive you out - if it has to be with garlic!"

Have I completely lost my mind? I screamed at the vampire in my bed and asked if he had eaten stones instead of taking to the hills. No, I am lost beyond hope. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft laugh. Is he laughing at me right now? He was too shocked to show any reaction.

"I like you, boy. I like your courage, but apparently, you don't seem to have any survival instinct, or you would have fled long ago. I'm offended that you called me a vampire. This human fabrication has nothing in common with my race."

"What are you then?" Aleks asked without thinking.

The non-vampire seemed to consider answering for a moment, then finally decided to oblige. "In the East, you humans call us Kuei or Yôkai. Here we are called daimon or demon. We call ourselves Daeva. I belong to the race of Leviathans. My name is Belial. What's yours, human?"

Surprised over actually having received an answer, Aleks replied: "Aleksander Esai."

A short uncomfortable silence followed before Belial replied: "It's a very special name. Your parents must love you very much."

Aleks was amazed at the comment and replied: "You understand its meaning?"

"Of course, after all, there is no more profound expression of love to describe your child as a gift." Belial wondered why the person named Aleksander never answered him. He wanted to see his face to grasp the situation better. Then he smelled a salty scent and heard a little sniffle. Had the person finally realized his situation and was now having a breakdown?

"I don't know," Aleks sobbed.

Belial was confused by what he didn't know. "What is it human, why are you crying?"

"I don't know if they loved me or not because I never got to know them. I don't know whether they gave me away because they had to, or they didn't want me." Fresh tears streamed down Aleks' face.

"Calm down human, no, Aleksander," the demon tried to soothe him.

This whole situation seemed so surreal to Aleks. A demon who had tried to eat him (even if he denied it) now tried to comfort him and what was more bewildering was that the demon's righteous manner seemed to be succeeding in calming him down. What was wrong with him? It was time to clean up this mess. Aleks wiped away his tears and sat up straight.

"You ... um, I have some questions that we need to clear up. First, are you going to eat or kill me? Second, what were you doing here in Los Angeles? Third, who hurt you, and are you still being chased by them? These are the most important ones for now." Aleks rubbed his hands nervously and waited for the demon's response.

Surely anyone witnessing this situation would ask: Why is the boy sitting in the room with a demon and asking him questions instead of disappearing? At first glance, this seemed insane, but if you thought about it, it quickly became clear - escape is currently the worst option. The demon was in his apartment and he could hardly;

a) just leave his apartment with his stuff since it was inevitable that Belial would leave at some point and could possibly kill someone then hunt Aleks,

b) call the police and tell them a demon is in his apartment, or

c) get rid of him.

So he first had to collect information in order to better assess the situation.

"These are a lot of questions, but since you saved me, I'll answer them for you. You seem to be a sincere person," Belial replied. "I don't intend to eat you because, as I said, I'm not a savage. My kind can feed on human blood, it can serve as a food substitute, but isn't necessary. Let's say it's more practical and more nutritious. Now, I have no intention of killing you because you are the only one I can or must rely on at the moment. Because as long as I'm hurt, I'm kind of an easy victim to those who attacked me.
My attackers were other demons who were assigned to kill me. However, I don't know who hired them. I, however, intend to find out once my eyes are restored. But right now, they think I'm dead, so I think we're safe from them here. And the last question: I'm in Los Angeles because I'm looking for my heart. By the way, please call me Belial. It is rude not to address the other person by name if you know it."

It took Aleks a moment to process what was said.

"Good, Belial." There was a soft note to his name that sounded pleasant, not as harsh as his own name. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" Aleks asked suspiciously.

"Since you humans cannot taste lies, you have to trust me for better or for worse. But believe me, if I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead. Even blind, this would be easy for me."

Not exactly reassuring, how easy it is for him to kill me. But I hardly have a choice.


Now the question arises, what is Aleks? Ideas in the comments ;D.

I am happy about your comments, criticism and of course your recommendation.


Your Mouse Goddess

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