Animal demons
Demons that are partly animals, which the name already said. Even though they can shed this animal form, they usually do not do so because they are proud of their animal attributes. Examples: goat demons, cat demons, ...
Anzu demons
Demons that look like birds, but whose bodies were covered with black scales, while the wings adorn fiery red feathers. They have sharp claws and could spit both fire and water.
Choronta demons
Peaceful demons, but they are very shy. They have the ability to shape their magic at will. However, how an individual shapes them varies from demon to demon.
They suffocate their enemies with a poisonous smoke breath, which they breathe into their mouths. Furthermore, they have sharp claws and thus wound their enemies very efficiently. When they get angry, their eyes and claws turn black. They usually have fox-red hair and red eyes.
Fallen Angels
Angels who have fallen out of favor and have been banished from heaven. As soon as an angel falls, he loses all his memories and angelic abilities. Their hair color becomes darker and their white wings take on the gray color of ash. Contrary to some myths, they do not lose their wings, but due to the gray coloration, they are branded as impure.
Incubi (Singular: Incubus)
(Mostly) male, especially beautiful and lustful demons who look for a woman to interact with him sexually. They have black bat-like wings, a thin tail with a leaf-shaped tip. They feed exclusively on female life juice and their souls. (Counterpart in women: Sukkubi)
Kage demons
Their bodies can merge with any shadow and disappear into the darkness. The perfect spies and assassins. Most often they have dark skin, which is littered with tribal marks. Their hair and eyes are both raven black.
Koshi demons
Their true form is that of a dragon. They are able to spit fire and create lava flows, are themselves immune to any heat. Their scales are so hard that normal weapons cannot penetrate them.
Lechies demons
Demons that have a connection to the forest. They are also called gods of the forest and hunting because they have razor-sharp eyes and can still capture their targets miles away.
The father of the species is said to be the former hell prince Leviathan, who was overthrown by the current hell prince Astaroth. Leviathans have dark scaly wings and wear tribal marks on their bodies. When they get angry or lose control, their muscles swell, black claws emerge, their fangs lengthen, and their eyes turn black.
Mara demons
Also called nightmare demons. They are able to read the fears of others and let them live through their greatest nightmares unless you have a strong will. They have no body persistence and usually a dark skin tone. They are considered to be very silent and usually live withdrawn.
Mazoku demons
Demons who can turn into two different animals. The older a Mazoku demon, the more control he has over it. In this way, they can only change parts of their body, for example, take on so-called intermediate forms. Mazoku demons have a strong connection to their two natures, which is why they can't stand it long in their native form – the so-called zero form.
Pazuzu demons
They have four wings and can move faster in the air than anyone else. It is said that they can control the wind, but it has never been confirmed. They are known for their elegant and nimble flying ability.
Rakshasa demons
Demons that feed on the souls and flesh of their slaves. They lure their victims into eternal slavery with a trick. As soon as they want something, it becomes their passion. You should never agree to a Rakshasa demon without thinking.
Rune demons
Almost extinct race of demons. They are the only surviving race that uses runes to use magic. Runes are magical symbols that served a specific purpose. There were roughly three categories: synthesis, analysis and reinforcement. According to their name, they could thus create, fathom or strengthen with the help of magic.
Shadow animals
Small annoying creatures made of shadows and having pointed teeth soaked in poison. The poison is not particularly strong for demons, but in large quantities, it can paralyze. They have a round head and six legs on which they move. Eyes they do not have a large mouth, which is occupied with two rows of sharp teeth, with which one is reluctant to make acquaintance. They are used as guard dogs in hell to prevent prisoners from escaping.
Stone demons
Demons whose skin is made of stone. They can harden accordingly and also detach stones from their skin and use them as a weapon.
Succubi (Singular: Succubus)
(Mostly) female, especially beautiful and lustful demons who look for a man to interact with him sexually. They have black bat-like wings, a thin tail with a leaf-shaped tip. They feed exclusively on male life juice and their souls.
Sylph demons
Demons that are closely linked to nature. They can affect the elements to a certain extent. Mostly they have very colorful hair colors.

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅
ParanormalBelial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked. »» ------------------------ ★ ------------------------ «« Belial has been searc...