The harsh wind blew against Aleks' face. Was a hurricane raging in Los Angeles? He slowly opened his eyes and saw the outlines of buildings passing by. What the hell? It took him a few minutes to realize he was in the air above Los Angeles. He had imagined his first flying experience differently, but it's no use complaining now.
Belial took a sharp turn around one of the skyscrapers and Aleks saw their reflection in the glass facade. Belial's black wings had a wingspan of just over eight feet and flapped with strong blows. When they rounded the building, Aleks could once again see the city underneath them. In order to see the sight of Los Angeles from above, some paid hundreds of dollars.
Tired, Aleks closed his eyes again and enjoyed the feeling.
Belial gripped Aleks tighter. Soon. In a few minutes, they would reach Lyric's home. He was the only one who could help Aleks at the moment, but it wouldn't be cheap. Lyric was known to be one of the best healers in hell and on Earth - but his prices were steep.
He had known Lyric for more than 500 years. When they first met, he had inadvertently saved him from a slave trader who had invaded his village. He had acted at the behest of his prince at that time, but it had gained him a valuable friend. Lyric's parents had died in the attack and Belial had taken the young demon with him and cared for him until he was able to stand on his own two feet.
After all these years, however, they didn't speak about it anymore. He was no longer a little boy but a full-grown demon. He, like everyone else, had his own burdens, including the curse... If he had been at Lyric's side at the time, he might have been able to prevent it and it hurt that he couldn't help his old friend.
With a sharp right turn, he dodged another skyscraper and saw a balcony with a silver railing made of winding roses. His taste was as dire as ever. His clothes and furnishings had only floral patterns. You could say that flowers even grew out of Lyric's ass. But everyone has different tastes. He slowed down and landed on the top floor of the spacious, high-rise balcony with two powerful wing strokes. There was always high wind but Lyric loved the "light breeze" around his nose. Well, to each his own.
The moment Belial's feet touched the balcony, he felt a magical impulse. Seconds later, he was in a cage. The railing had abruptly shifted. The rose-shaped struts had shot upwards, trapping them, like birds in a cage. Lyric's defense system worked excellently as always. Belial didn't even have time to avoid capture, but this was to be expected from a demon of Lyric's caliber.
He waited patiently until a whistle sounded. The struts retreated and a 5'9'' tall, slender demon with silver hair and black eyes stood in front of them. He had a step cut that became short at the back and slanted to the front. Black kajal framed his eyes, contrasting with his silver eyelashes and eyebrows. He had a snub nose and high cheekbones that accentuated his beauty.
In contrast to other demon breeds, he was rather petitely built with pointed ears. They protruded from his hair and an earring in the shape of a rose glittered on each ear. On the left ear hung a small silver chain, which reached from a clip at the top of his ear to the rose earring in his earlobe.
Today, he wore a black velvet pants with a sleek floral pattern and a matching jacket. Underneath the jacket was a white shirt, which he had rolled up to his elbows, showcasing the black entwined symbols that covered his entire arms right down to his hands. Another silver chain of roses ranged from the chest pocket of the jacket to the pocket of the trousers and jingled quietly at every step as he approached.
"Ho-hum, it's you, old friend. Long time no see," he said with a deep melodic voice that enchanted many people and demons.
He would like to have chatted with his friend, but he didn't have time for that. Aleks' fever seemed to have gotten worse.
Lyric grasped the situation in seconds and recognized the critical situation in which Belial's mate was in. He turned around and said, "Follow me."
He hastily followed his old friend inside. He entered the front room from the balcony, which was equipped with some seating for relaxation and a small table - of course, all with floral patterns.
Belial didn't have time for a more detailed inspection as he quickly followed Lyric through a hallway into a treatment room. There he instructed him to lay Aleks on an altar. It was made of marble with intricate symbols carved into it. Belial noticed that there were several recesses on the table. So that the blood could run out, Belial thought and shuddered. Next to the altar was a sink with towels. Lyric soaked one of them and wiped Aleks' torso. "It's not going to be cheap."
"I'll pay any price, please save him," Belial urged him as he stroked Aleks' face. He sighed and opened his eyes a little bit; his breathing intermittently.
Aleks was in great pain, but the cold stone of the altar cooled his body, which was overheating due to the fever, and provided relief. He had no feeling in his injured shoulder or arm. He looked into Belial's desperate face and wanted to comfort him but couldn't make a single sound leave his mouth. Why did he look so worried? Was his condition that bad?
He listened to a dulled voice but couldn't understand it. Exhausted, he closed his eyes again and concentrated on breathing, which was becoming increasingly strenuous.
Lyric would have expected it to rain pigs rather than find Belial on his balcony with an injured person in his arms. It has been nearly over a century and a half since he had last seen Belial. More than 130 years ago, he had decided to leave hell and live in the human world. He hadn't returned since and had stayed and built a life here.
It wasn't that he had left hell voluntarily. He had left it simply because there were hardly any demons on earth and he wanted to avoid them. This damn curse... Although on earth he was mostly safe from the consequences of the curse, he couldn't find his heart here either – not that he had a great interest in it, but sometimes he missed hell and his friends. Well, there was nothing he could do about that.
So now Belial had found his heart and it was a human. Not that he had anything against humans, no, how should he say it? They just died too easily. That hits the nail on the head. The human before him was a perfect example of this.
It was time for him to take care of him. "It's not going to be easy," he said.
But that didn't seem to interest Belial. He only had eyes for his mate. "I'll pay any price, please save him," he replied, without shifting his gaze away from the human, not even for a second.
This felt like a stab in Lyric's chest. Not good. This human wasn't allowed to die. Ok, let's get on with it.
What do you think of Lyric?
How does Belial know him and how could they stand, what do you think?
What kind of curse could it be?
Your Mouse Goddess

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅
ParanormalBelial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked. »» ------------------------ ★ ------------------------ «« Belial has been searc...