Chapter 69

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"That was a really impressive performance. But that was expected from the master of dancing – even if I am very surprised by the ability of your mate to keep up," Astaroth welcomed them. Aleks smiled shyly. He seemed a bit embarrassed by the attention they were attracting.

"It was incredibly fun," he said happily.

The smile made his angel look even more beautiful; Belial could hardly keep his hands off him.

"Belial, would you get us something to drink?" his prince asked. He just nodded. Tsuka, call for me if something happens. Aleks nodded slightly and Belial left the two of them alone. On his way, he collided with a little demon. She apologized with a sheepish smile and danced away.

"It's really amazing how you changed him. I never in hundreds of years would have dreamed that the callous, cold shadow that had served me silently would ever smile. It's as if he finally started living." Aleks didn't know how to respond.

"I think we complement each other. All my life I have been looking for something. There was always something missing that others somehow had. That night I found it and I would never give it away " he said, subconsciously emphasizing on the last part. Astaroth laughed.

"I'm curious to see how both of you – especially you – will develop. It's a dangerous time. Drastic changes await us. Always hold on to what you have. This is the only way you can overcome the obstacles that fate places in your way."

With a firm nod, Aleks replied, "We will." Without turning around, he knew that his demon would join them soon.

Belial came back with two glasses, handing one Astaroth.

Astaroth looked at them and said, "As much as I enjoyed our conversation Aleksander, I want to talk to your mate alone for a moment."

Aleks seemed to understand and left the two alone. Lao and Nero walked close behind Aleks, who made his way to the buffet. It won't be long, Tsuka.

I would also like to take a short break. Aleks looked around the room and saw a door leading to a terrace.

"Nero, Lao. I'm going to get some fresh air." The two nodded and followed him. As Aleks stepped through the door, he felt a brief tingling sensation. He rubbed his forearms briefly, then the tingling was gone. Lao and Nero had stopped shortly outside the door. They probably wanted to give him some room.

With a sigh, Aleks leaned against the railing and looked at the garden that was stretched out in front of him. The noise of the event was muffled due to the distance. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the silence. Someone stopped next to him.

"Hello, Aleksander."

Belial and Astaroth had retreated to a private area. Astaroth didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

"Belial. The attack on Esmie was a well-thought-out and strategically outstanding plan. The unknown enemy seems to be preparing for war. But their goal isn't clear. Did they want to test our responsiveness or our strength? Or were they aiming for something else?"

Belial looked thoughtful. He also felt that something wasn't right. All the actions made no sense.

"Let's say they wanted to test us – then why the sneaky attack? I don't think that was it. Neither was it a serious attempt to take Esmie nor was it to weaken you. Through this action, they would have put you on alert, which would make it more difficult for them to go unnoticed. They have a different goal," he agreed with his prince.

"So, you have the same suspicions."

Belial nodded and continued, "I feel like they're after someone or something. They're just waiting for a certain event to happen."

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now