Chapter 9

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At first, Belial considered lying again, but Aleks seemed to know whether or not he was telling the truth, so he chose to tell the truth again. "Blood. When I drink fresh blood, my wounds heal faster, and it relieves the pain."

He felt his counterpart stiffen which was to be expected given their eventful first encounter. That is why he had never raised the issue.

The mention of blood, of course, awakened the memory of the bite on Aleks' hand. But was this brief pain excuse enough for him not to help ease Belial's pain? Deep within, he knew exactly what his decision would be. His mouth became dry. "Can you make sure it doesn't hurt again?" Aleks asked in a quiet voice.

Surprise loomed on the demon's face. He had expected everything, but he was not prepared for this reaction. "Yes," he replied completely perplexed. "Normally, the act of taking blood is a pleasant one for humans, as we demons numb the pain. The first time I had... I didn't think about it. I was too disorientated. I'm sorry," Belial scratched his head embarrassed. He was ashamed to have done such a thing to the person who had helped him and shown him nothing but kindness.

Aleks breathed in and out deeply before he rolled up his sleeve and extended his arm in front of Belial's face. "Here. Take what you need... I trust you."

Belial hesitated. Should he really accept the offer? What if he scared Aleks or hurt him? He didn't want that. Belial was torn. Eventually, he gently seized Aleks' arm and lifted it toward his mouth. Before his mouth connected with Aleks' skin, he stopped. He stroked his fingers over the delicate skin of Aleks' forearm then carefully placed his lips on his arm.

As soon as Belial touched him, panic gripped him, and he stiffened. Memories of the bite, the blood, and the pain flashed before his eyes. His heart seemed to want to jump out of his chest. Adrenaline shot through his veins and his fight or flight response kicked in.

Suddenly, the stench of fear filled the room and caused the air around them to turn sour. Belial immediately withdrew. "Thank you for trying. We won't be doing this."

"No, please take the blood, I'm..." I am fine. These were the words that he wanted to say but they couldn't leave his mouth because it would be a lie. Damn, why can't I lie? Not even in a situation like this. Frustrated, he bit his lip.

Belial seemed to sense Aleks's emotional state and stroked his cheek. "Calm down, it's all right. The fact that you were willing to try shows your good intentions. Please don't blame yourself," he tried to reassure him.

I can't. I want to help.

"Is there any other way? I can just cut my arm if you need." It wouldn't have been the first time.

"No!" Belial shouted in an angry voice. "You will not hurt yourself. For the amount of blood I need, you would have to cut far too deep. Forget the idea."

Surprised by the demon's unexpected outburst of emotion, Aleks didn't know how to respond. He puts my health before his, even though he is in unbearable pain. This thought created a warm feeling in his abdominal area. But how else could they solve this dilemma?

If he gets too close to my hand or arm with his mouth, I cramp and panic. Maybe if I don't look. No, that was not a solution either. He would recoil at the touch. Maybe if it isn't in the arm. That's it!

While Aleks was immersed in his thoughts, searching for a solution, Belial rolled down Aleks' sleeve and grabbed the water bottle on the bedside table, and took a sip.

"Belial, what if you don't take blood from my arm, but somewhere else. Is that possible?"

Belial suddenly choked and promptly began coughing. What the... What is this boy thinking by making me such an offer? Is he tired of life? When he calmed down, he replied: "That is possible in principle. I could also take blood from your inner thigh or neck, but that's not an option."

"Why not," Aleks asked, surprised.

Belial lowered his gaze. Even though he was temporarily blind, he couldn't 'look' at Aleks' face.

What the hell. Why does he hem and haw? Aleks was slowly getting angry at the lack of response. "Why are you keeping quiet, demon?"

"Aleksander, listen."

Why did he use my full name? Aleks narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"The thighs and neck are the most sensitive and delicate areas of the body. Biting you in these places would be like a sexual act. Even if many people don't refrain themselves, I don't want to impose that on you. You would lose some control over your body. It takes a lot of trust for something like this."

Realizing the meaning of these words, Aleks felt his face getting hot. A slight redness covered his skin and his pulse accelerated.

Belial immediately took in Aleks' reaction, not only his accelerated heartbeat but also the dark, deep note that Aleks' smell took discountenanced him. He had to clench his fists in order to maintain control. Foolish human.

Aleks had read countless stories about love, relationships, and, of course, sex. Of course, like any healthy man, he also took care of his needs on his own, when necessary, but he had no real experience. Early on, he noticed that the attraction that girls had on his classmates didn't apply to him. Until now, he had not met a girl who had quickened his heartbeat in any way.

Deep inside, he had already known that he probably belonged at the other end of the spectrum, but he had never dared to pursue this. He had too much fear of being disappointed or worse hurt.

Belial's face, body, in fact, his whole being had captivated him from the beginning. But that didn't mean he could entrust his body to Belial. He was still a stranger whom he had only known for about two weeks. He wouldn't fall in love with him and then let him break his heart. Nevertheless, he wasn't averse to the idea of being touched by Belial.

Stay objective. It's not about you, it's about his health. Pull yourself together.

"Okay, let's try."

Belial couldn't believe his ears. He can't be serious. "Aleksander. Don't talk nonsense. I'm not going to bite you. "

"Yes you will," he replied firmly, "and you won't hurt me."

Before he could contradict him, Aleks rose and took off his shirt. He turned around and sat on Belial's right side so that he was backing him. Belial couldn't believe that he really wanted to go through this, but there was nothing he could do about Aleks' stubbornness.

Eventually, he capitulated. In his entire life, he had never met such a fascinating person. Did I become docile? "Alright, but no complaints afterwards. You have to sit in front of me in between my legs."

Once again, a redness spread across Aleks' skin. Between his legs? Hesitantly, he pulled the blanket away from Belial's legs and awkwardly sat between them. He slowly breathed in and out. "I'm ready."

Was he really? Now there was no going back.

Belial moved closer to Aleks' neck and brushed his skin with the tip of his nose. He slowly inhaled, savoring his fragrance. Red roses with rain after sunrise and a deep sensual touch. Delicious. I want to taste his skin. Does it taste as sweet as it smells? He would soon find out. He gently placed his lips on Aleks' neck to taste him.

A pleasant feeling spread over Aleks's neck, very different from anything he had ever felt until now.

"Relax," Belial whispered into his ear.

Then Belial's tongue touched his neck. He gently licked it, slowly moving to the right. With every inch he covered, Aleks' skin continued to heat up. A pleasant relaxing feeling spread through his body.

Belial felt the human relax. He had already covered the place where he would bite Aleks with his saliva, stunning the area. He's ready. Without warning, Belial sunk his teeth into Aleks' neck causing a surprised Aleks to gasp.


The first bloody kiss, excited?

What do you think about the solution for the touching-problem?

The next chapter is the first smut-scene.  If you want to skip it, you can skip the whole chapter. If not, I will be happy about yout comments ;D.

Lovely greetings,

your Mouse Goddess

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now