Chapter 18

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Belial had visited various places in search of information but there seemed to be no reliable source that could tell him who these mercenaries were. His last hope was the Raven.

The Raven was a demon bar hidden from humans. At the entrance, a black raven stood guard, who for each guest, single handedly decided whether they were allowed to enter the bar or not.

The raven began to flutter when he saw Belial. Belial stretched out his hand and tickled the raven's neck earning a caw of approval.

"Kiri, can I go in?" he asked the raven. It nodded and the door opened. With this bouncer you shouldn't get on bad terms if you like your eyes.

He walked through the black door into the interior. An ominous feeling hung in the air. Without much detours, he went straight to the bar and sat in front of the bartender, a sylph demon with purple hair.

Sylph demons were demons closely connected to nature. He seemed to be connected to the element of water, as he mixed the drinks by directing the liquids into the right containers by thought; without even lifting a finger.

"I'd like to have a Bullet Driver," Belial said, without raising his eyes. That was the code word for "I need information". He waited patiently for an answer.

"Those you're looking for aren't here," the bartender replied.

"Do you know where to find them?"

Without letting go of the glass he was polishing, he answered in a monotonous voice: "Leave this place and go east to a park. That's where you will find what you're looking for." Then he turned around and brought the finished drinks to the table directly behind him.

Belial put a diamond on the counter, left the bar without another word, and set off.

When he arrived at the park, he paused briefly. This is the place that the Sylph mentioned. He then closed his eyes and used his senses to search the environment for magic or a demonic presence. And they reacted. A few hundred meters northwest of him, he felt a resonance.

He stealthily approached the small group using the trees for cover. He could identify two demons, one with fire-red hair. Bingo. The two sat on the edge of a large lawn and seemed to be in deep consultation. Belial suppressed his own presence and carefully approached them. He summoned his sword Elyrion. Elyrion consisted of the rare black demon steel, which was considered one of the hardest materials in hell. He was now close enough to follow their conversation.

"Do you have any results?" the red-haired demon asked.

"No, but he should come soon, shouldn't he?"

The redhead remained silent and suddenly began to grin. "Hello, shadow."

Belial dodged as an arrow abruptly raced towards him. Damn, there had been three. It was the third that had noticed him and attacked. Then, he ran from the protection of the trees to the open area and came to a stop about ten yards from the group in combat position.

"Nix was right. Dead on time you have arrived here. I didn't want to believe it at first, but the boy had never been wrong..." the redhead mocked him.

Nix? The Oracle? He was considered the moodiest oracle there was, but his predictions were always right. How had they made him talk?

"A bit of pain and a missing finger here and there loosens the tongue," his question was answered. Oh, that wouldn't please Nix's guardian, but that wasn't his problem.

"Who are you and who hired you?" Belial asked, getting straight to the point.

"Answers cost. How about if you just give up right away, then I'll make it short and painless. But today I am in a good mood and want to be generous, after all, you should know the name of your murderer. My name is Rukia the Fire Devil."

Not good. Rukia was known to everyone for his unbridled and short-lived temperament as well as his madness. He didn't kill for money, no, he just enjoyed inflicting pain on others. It was said that he took the eyesight of each enemy before death forcing them to live in complete despair before he killed them. From their previous encounter, which had left him blinded, Belial could personally confirm that last part. But this time he wasn't unprepared. He would make him talk, whether he wanted to or not.

"Then let the party begin," Rukia shouted, creating a barrier as big as a football field to shield them from the humans. Now it got serious.

Belial's grip around Elyrion became firmer and he tightened all his muscles. But Rukia seemed to have no intention of fighting him one on one since he raised his hand and summoned shadow animals.

They were small, annoying beasts made of shadows that had pointed teeth soaked in poison. The poison was not particularly strong, but in large quantities, it had a paralyzing effect. They had round heads, six legs, and no eyes. Their big mouths were studded with two rows of sharp teeth, and they were used as watchdogs in hell to prevent prisoners from fleeing.

Why could this demon call them? Someone with power must have hired him.

"Time to reap your soul," Rukia quipped, commanding the shadows to attack.

If he wasn't bound by these limits, he could just sizzle them away, but that wasn't possible here. So, it has to be the old-fashioned way. Belial elegantly dodged the approaching shadow and beheaded two of them with one movement. Elyrion slid through them like a knife through butter.

Evasive to a claw, he rolled to the side and sliced through another two. His wings unfolded and he rose into the air.

"Ah ah ah. Don't cheat. Krux, shoot him down."

The grey-haired stone demon pointed and shot a volley of sharp stones at him. He was able to dodge most of it, but one of them pierced his wing, forcing him to land against his will to avoid crashing. How can they use such powerful magic? It is as if they had come to earth without any restrictions.

"Oh, has our little one already realized the situation?" Rukia pulled down his left sleeve and a silver hoop with runes appeared.

How the hell did they get this artifact? Belial was slowly becoming aware of the severity of his situation. If he stayed here, he would die.

Without warning, a shadow animal approached him from behind and bit into his left leg. He beheaded it with a blow. Completely surrounded, he had no option but to attack. He lifted Elyrion and ran toward the stone demon. He also drew a sword and matched Belial's attack, while the third in the bunch fired steel arrows at him. One of them hit Belial in the shoulder. With a quick movement, he cut it off, because pulling it out wasn't possible at the moment. It would only tear a large wound into his shoulder with its barbs.

He continued to attack and was able to inflict a dangerous wound on the stone demon's chest causing the demon to withdraw first. Now Rukia also seemed interested in intervening.

"Why are you resisting so much? Just give us your soul or are you into pain?" Rukia asked maliciously.

"Even if you killed me, you wouldn't get it," Belial replied gloatingly. This seemed to temporarily distract the redhead and Belial took this opportunity to injure Rukia's left leg. He hissed and retaliated with a stab to Belial's hip. Belial backtracked to devise a new tactic when the smell of roses and rain after sunrise filled his nose.


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What do you think will happen when Aleks enters the scene?

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