Chapter 38

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Lucan was born in the east of Astaroth's territory in a small village. It was clear early on that he could achieve great things. He came from an ancient lineage of Mazoku demons. These are demons that could turn into two different animals. The older a Mazoku demon, the more control he had over this ability. However, when shifting, they could only change parts of their bodies, meaning, some features had to stay the same.

Lucan was able to shift into a black panther with blue eyes and a white eagle with yellow eyes. These colors were reflected in his appearance. So, his hair was jet black with white strands and his eyes had different colors – the right one was blue and the left yellow.

Mazoku demons had a strong connection to their two natures, which is why they could not stay for extended periods in their native form – the so-called zero form. Lucan had been trapped in the cell for months. Being unable to shift, his two natures drove him more insane than any other form of torture could. But these assholes knew that.

In his zero form, Lucan was about 6'3'' tall, had waist-length hair, which he usually wore in a braid and a hard face. Some described it as attractive, others as wild. He exuded the ferocity of the predators that were his two natures.

In order to let out his hunting and fighting instincts, he joined Astaroth's army. As a class A demon, he had made it to the position of commander. By a stupid mistake, he had been captured by his torturers and was tortured for months, but he stayed silent. He had been waiting for his death, but instead, Belial's mate had come. He freed him and healed his injuries. Now it was time to bring Belial back his heart.

"Kid, listen to me carefully. You follow me inconspicuously. If I clench my fist and hold it up, you stop. When I wave my opened palm forward, you follow me. If I put my thumbs down, it means you're waiting and not moving an inch." Lucan illustrated his request with the corresponding hand movements. "Give me the chain so I can open the doors. From now on, until we are safe, we won't speak a word. Did you understand that?"

Aleks nodded and gave him the chain without a word. He trusted Lucan. After all, he hadn't lied until now.

It was time for them to leave. The longer they waited, the higher the probability of being discovered. Lucan activated his panther's hearing and its sense of smell. Immediately, all the information that remained hidden from others flowed to him. There was no one directly outside the door, but a guard was in the left corridor about 20 yards away, heading towards them.

Lucan moved stealthily to the door at the end of the corridor. His movements reminded Aleks of a cat – elegant and flowing. His ally opened the door with the help of the chain and crept through it. Aleks followed him. They turned to the right. At the end of the corridor, Lucan gave the sign to stop. Then they went on. When the passage forked again, the demon suddenly stopped and hurriedly pulled Aleks behind a barrel.

Shortly thereafter, he heard several guards running past them. How could Lucan have heard that? He would ask him later because his companion gave the sign for them to continue. So it went for a while until they reached an anteroom.

Lucan could smell it. Not far from here was the way out. He could smell the fresh air. But now they had a problem. To get to their destination, they had to cross the room in front of them and it was full of enemies. Damn it!

He carefully breathed the word "enemies" into Aleks' ear and pointed to the room. The boy seemed to understand. Now they had to come up with a plan. Going back wasn't an option.

During the timespan in which Aleks had escaped the cell and met Lucan, his demon in the human realm was preparing his return to hell. Belial, Lyric, and Ariana had spent hours working out a battle plan and making the necessary preparations.

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