Chapter 57

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"I can heal big wounds with it, but it takes a lot of energy, so I get exhausted quickly," Aleks said. "Can you show me how It could be used more effectively so that I can conserve my energy?" he was now able to locate and identify injuries with Richelle's help. It was almost like running an MRI or an X-ray machine. Now he only had to learn how to use his healing ability more effectively and efficiently. After all, what was the point of a device with little battery life?

So, if I see this correctly, he's a potentially born healer. He has all the prerequisites and skills - he just doesn't know yet how to use them properly. Then she should teach him that. Or else she would be a lousy teacher, right?

"Well, I'm trying to help you. for that, we first need to understand how your ability works. But we can't do that here."

They left the hospital room and went back to the previous room. There they sat next on the chairs next to each other Richelle fetched a ceremonial knife. Then she continued, "To be able to understand how your healing ability works, I have to feel it myself. That means you have to use them on me."

Aleks seemed to understand what she was getting at but winced in shock as she made a cut on her palm

A long deep cut stretched across her palm.

"Heal me, Aleksander." He immediately put his hand over theirs and healed the wound.

"Hmmm. Again, but a little slower." Slower? Well, he would try. Again, she cut her hand and Aleks healed her. They repeated this a few times.

"I think I know what you're doing. Your healing ability is fundamentally different from that of other healers. We direct magic into the body of an injured person so that their regeneration is accelerated. You could say that we stimulate the body's own healing process. Your ability, however, does exactly the opposite. When you heal, you do the work that their bodies usually do. If I had to describe it, it's like you're just turning back time."

Turning back time. Time. Was that possible? Could he not only stop but also turn back time?

"Without more in-depth research, I can't say much about it. I'm sorry. However, I think I have a solution, or let's say a relief for your energy problem." Aleks listened to her attentively.

"You always put your whole hand on the wound, to mobilize a lot of energy and apply it to the large area. So even undamaged areas get affected. This costs you an unnecessary amount of strength. Maybe instead of using your whole hand, just use your fingertips," Richelle explained. That made sense. Aleks hadn't even come up with that yet.

"I can try."

"Well, let's try it." Once again, Richelle cut her hand.

Aleks tried to direct his healing magic to his fingertips instead of his palm, which wasn't so easy. It took some time for them to start shining. Then he stroked the cut with it and saw the close. Yes!

"It worked," Aleks shouted enthusiastically. Richelle also seemed satisfied.

"Now we just have to check whether it works with deeper wounds," she said and rose up.

Again, they went to Liran's infirmary wing. With a few hand movements, he healed his broken hand and a broken rib. His teacher was amazing. In such a short time, she had taught him so much.

"Madame Richelle, you are really by far the best teacher," he said beamingly.

"Oh, my cutie, we have only just begun. You will learn a lot more about healing potions and the various injuries and treatment options. Prepare to work hard."

"I can't wait!" Aleks replied with a laugh.

As much as he enjoyed the lessons with Madame Richelle, his other coaches showed no mercy. Nero chased him across the sky and Belial enslaved him with other flying units. At the end of each day, he didn't even have the strength to lift his wings.

Even though he was making progress, he was sometimes so physically exhausted that he was often on the verge of falling asleep in one of Madame Richelle's lectures.

Had she felt sorry for him? Not a bit. But he didn't expect it either. After another hour of healing potions, it was now his turn to train weapons with Alas. Alas purposefully went to the armory. Today he would show Aleks a very special room - Belial's treasury. With a complicated unsealing spell that only he, Belial, and Nero knew, he opened the door to the chamber.

Aleks had been to the armory a few times, but he had never seen what was behind that door. Curious, he looked over Alas' shoulder as he opened the door. Looks complicated. With a squeak, it opened. He followed the demon into a dark room. No window, no light. He heard a snap and numerous light stones began to glow and bathed the room in a bright light.

Aleks had to keep his hands in front of his eyes and blink a few times until he got used to the brightness. Then he saw the room – or should he say a huge warehouse? Countless treasures, weapons, and objects were neatly sorted on numerous shelves. it glittered and sparkled in every corner. Wow. Just wow.

"Does every demon have his own personal treasure trove?" he asked, marveling at his mate's treasures.

"Every demon has a place where they store their treasures. Belial's room isn't as large as it usually is for his status, he is modest in this respect," the otherwise silent demon replied. So, half a football field filled with treasures is modest? If you can, you can.

"What do we want from here, Alas?"

"We are here to choose a weapon for you today. All these weapons are special. They all have a special ability that distinguishes them from normal weapons," Alas explained." Aleks, I want you to walk through the rows. If you find a weapon that appeals to you, call me." That's about it. No further information.

As instructed, he walked through the ranks. He walked past countless pieces of jewelry and weapons, one more fascinating than the other. how can I decide when there are so many? Well, I first have to think about what kind of weapon makes sense for me at all. I tried many, but I got along best with the short weapons. Too short, however, wasn't good either. Preferably something whose blade is no longer than my forearm.

With these thoughts, he walked through the ranks. Then he stopped. His gaze stuck to two machetes. They both had a silver curved blade with twin dragons engraved on them. Sapphires were embedded on the handle and a pattern of flourishes served as decoration. They were exact replicas of each other.

Aleks took one of the machetes in his left hand and moved it. It lay perfectly in the hand as if it were made for him. He made them circle. It was just the right length. Wow, they're just beautiful.

"Alas. I think I found them." The Mara demon rounded the corner and joined him.

"A very good choice. The twin dragons are made of hardened material and easily conduct magic. And, of course, their specialty."

"Speciality?" Aleks asked curiously.

"They are twins, so they are inseparable."

Alas took one of the two blades and threw it with a powerful throw at least fifty yards down the aisle. Then he took the other blade in his hand. A small vibration went through the other blade and Aleks heard a hiss. He didn't have the time to react as her discarded twin suddenly flew in and landed in Alas' other hand. What the hell?

Alas smiled when he saw Aleks' puzzled expression. He stowed the blades in their sheaths and took them with him. Together they made their way towards the exit.


Apparently, there is more to Aleks' healing ability than initially thought.

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What do you think of Aleks' new weapons?

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