Chapter 16 ( with smut-scene)

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The moment Aleks said those three meaningful words, everything changed. It was as if they were opening their eyes for the first time and seeing; finally seeing each other.

"That's not possible," Belial said. No, deep inside he knew. He had known it since the first time he had inhaled his scent. He was the reason why he clung so desperately to his life. Now everything made sense. So that's what they meant by you will know. Awestruck, he put his hand on his mate's cheek. "Aleksander Esai, you are my heart."

Aleks gently touched his mate's hand and looked deep into his eyes. "I know because you are mine."

They both remained silent, just gently touching each other's cheeks.

Suddenly, Belial stiffened and sunk his hand into the sofa, ripping the fabric; his hand had turned into a black claw. "Run away, Aleks," he begged and trembled from the strain of gripping the sofa.

Aleks was confused, he couldn't understand what was happening. "Bel, what's going on?"

"RUN!" he screamed, but his voice no longer sounded 'human.' The beautiful green eyes began to turn black as his body bent. His other hand had also morphed into a claw and his T-shirt began to rip. His fangs became longer and protruded over his lower lip. He knew that even if Aleks ran, he would catch him. "Aleks, you have to knock me unconscious and go... Hurry ... up," he growled.


Because I want to mark you, I cannot hold back my inner demon. If you don't knock me unconscious, I will take you against your will. Once my transformation is complete, it will be too late.

These words, Belial didn't speak them out loud, yet Aleks heard them. He heard them in his head. No, he wouldn't hurt me. Never.

Paralyzed, Aleks watched as black wings sprouted from Belial's back and black tattoos appeared on his body. He was awestruck, completely unable to move. Belial was beautiful, graceful. He should have been scared, but there was nothing but the urge to touch him. To run his fingers over his intricate tattoos and his wings. Aleks knew that if he didn't act now, it would be too late.

"Aleksander... please..."

Aleks could hardly understand him. So, he rolled up his sleeves and did what he had to do. He grabbed the demon's head and pulled him forward. He tenderly pressed his lips to his demon's lips. Belial froze.

Lovingly, Aleks stroked his cheek and said in a soft voice, "My heart, make me yours, I am ready."

The demon paused, with an infinitely slow movement, he put his claw on Aleks' cheek and stroked it. "Tsuka." With the other, he shredded Aleks' clothes, tossed them aside, and bent over him. Completely bare, Aleks lay in front of him, but he wasn't afraid.

"Bel ... It's all right. I'm with you."

Something deep inside Belial stirred and he gradually regained control. His claws and fangs slowly retreated, and his eyes returned to their green color. "Aleks?" his voice sounded. He was back, somehow, he managed to regain control. No, Aleks had returned control to him, tamed his inner demon – something that only his heart would be able to do. He was incredible.

"Don't hold back. Make me yours."

"As you wish, Tsuka."


Belial affectionately took possession of Aleks' mouth, needing to taste him while his hands explored his body. He had such infinitely soft skin.

But Aleks didn't hold back either. He playfully took Belial's lower lip between his teeth and nibbled at it. Then he carefully licked over one of his fangs. A small drop of blood emanated from Aleks' tongue and an exotic sweetness covered Belial's tongue.

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now