Belial, Aleks, and Ariana sat together at a large table in the dining room and ate the food that was gradually served by the staff. It tasted delicious.
"So Bebe, I expect at least one fight, a near-death experience, and a passionate night."
Aleks jaw dropped down. What the hell? Ariana didn't even know how close she was to the truth.
"Ariana, we are unfortunately not here for entertainment. It's serious," Belial replied.
The serenity on Ariana's face gave way to seriousness. "Bebe, tell me what happened."
Belial described the situation to Ariana. He told her about the mercenaries, Aleks' abilities, and the seal, but omitted the more intimate details of their relationship.
Ariana listened attentively and when Belials was finished, she put her fingers on her forehead thoughtfully. "You got into a mess. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you found your heart, but you're really in a precarious situation." She sighed.
Aleks lowered his gaze. Was the situation so bad?
"Alright," the female demon began, "first I have to see the seal, then I can say more about the situation. But I've never heard of a five-level seal. It's going to be exciting."
Ariana has been blessed with a strong desire for curiosity and a thirst for knowledge since her birth. She saw the world as a great mystery - a playground whose secrets she had to explore. However, to do that, money and the associated skills were needed. To solve puzzles, you needed a key. She found it in the magic of the seals. With it, you could not only decipher any secret but you could also protect your own. The best example was her villa in the middle of the park.
Unfortunately, her abilities soon became known, so that higher-ranking demons grew increasingly interested in them. This was the worse thing that could have happened since the higher-ranking demons always felt the need to meddle in her affairs. She had refused to join any demon prince because she didn't regard the world as the property of the princes. It belonged to all demons.
When it became too much for her, she settled in the human world. There were countless mysteries to discover there as well, because demons had been on earth for millennia and left their mysteries there. She financed her life through the commissions she accepted. The amount paid was based on affordability and the magnitude of the task so that wealthier demons ended up paying significantly more. But unlike how it worked in hell, everyone was welcomed and anyone could hire her. She didn't differentiate based on rank, everyone waited the same amount of time.
The only thing that didn't seem to fit into this lifestyle was her employees. When she had left hell, she had taken with her some of the staff from her parents' home. The staff had refused to abandon the old customs and Ariana had resigned herself to the fact that she couldn't change their minds. She decided long ago that if it made them happy, they could keep their customs. The only thing that mattered was their unqualified fidelity.
Back to the conversation. Aleks' situation and the mystery surrounding him had awakened Ariana's instinct for discovery. She would explore this secret and she couldn't wait to start.
The next morning, Ariana and her two guests met in the ceremony room. It was a space she used especially for magical ceremonies. It was equipped with strong protective spells that protected both those inside and outside. It was almost impossible for something to get in or out of this room if Ariana didn't want it to.
There were numerous seals on the walls. Otherwise, the walls were kept in neutral white. The windows could be covered with heavy black curtains so that no beam of light could get through. On the wall were tables with all kinds of ceremonial tools chained to the wall for safety. In the middle of the room was a large carpet with a pentagram on it, which could be removed at will. Otherwise, the room was empty.
Ariana asked Aleks to sit in the middle of the carpet, while Belial stayed outside of the circle. Ariana closed the door and the curtains. The room was dunked in oppressive darkness. Then numerous candles began to light up, dipping the room into a warm light. Ariana placed three singing bowls on the floor in front of her before sitting cross-legged on a pillow on the floor.
"First I will reveal the seal. After that, I will examine it. If you are in pain or feel something unpleasant, let me know. Now close your eyes and relax."
Aleks followed Ariana's instructions and closed his eyes. The first sound of a singing bowl heralded the ceremony. He felt a slight vibration on his skin. Then Ariana began to draw different patterns in the air and speak quietly in a language unknown to him. The second bowl rang out. He felt a pull in his abdominal area. It began to glow, and he felt something leave his body. As with Lyric, the seal came out of Aleks' body and took its true form. The light expired and the five circles on top of each other remained behind.
Aleks' seal was eyed by Ariana with fascination. "I've never seen anything like it."
That doesn't sound good. It was absolutely not reassuring for Ariana to say something like this. But Ariana seemed to see it differently. In her face, fascination and curiosity had spread. "I'm going to examine it now," she announced. She hit the third singing bowl and rose. She knelt next to Aleks and placed both hands on the top circle. She carefully positioned two fingers to the edge and pulled them apart. Aleks felt an unpleasant pull but said nothing.
The symbols that had previously been in the circle detached from it and turned upwards in a spiral. Ariana looked at them in a concentrated way. "It looks like it's magic that goes beyond the physical. Part of Aleks' soul was sealed."
Belial looked at her with a horrified expression which frightened Aleks's. He didn't understand what was going on.
Ariana continued: "Aleksander, the soul is what invigorates a body and shapes the character. All qualities and feelings come from it. It is also the seat and source of magic. When a part of the soul is sealed, a part of yourself is also sealed. It's more than cruel."
"What happens when the seal breaks? Will I change?" Monster, Aleks thought.
Ariana remained silent. "I can't answer that because I don't know what part of your soul has been sealed. I'm going to examine the seal in more detail, are you ready?" Aleks nodded curtly in approval. "It's going to be uncomfortable, but you've got to get through it. Belial hold his hand."
Wordlessly, he took Aleks' hand and squeezed it lovingly. Again, Ariana muttered words in the foreign language. The circles seemed to react and shift. The symbols inside left their place and moved wildly. Then the demon lifted her arm and reached down from above through the top circle.
An unspeakable pain pierced through Aleks, and he tightened his grip on Belial's hand. The symbols wandered over Ariana's arm to her face. Her eyes began to glow brightly. Suddenly it became white in front of Aleks' eyes. He blinked several times until his vision became sharp again. It was then he realized that he was no longer in the ceremonial room.
How do you like Ariana? Did you imagine her that way?
What could happen now that she is trying to loosen Aleks' seal?
Where could he be?
Ideas, off to the comments!
Your Mouse Goddess

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅
ParanormalBelial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked. »» ------------------------ ★ ------------------------ «« Belial has been searc...