Chapter 3

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The chirping of the birds and the penetrating brightness of the light that shone on Aleks' face awakened him from a restless sleep. His tired eyelids were struggling to open as he slowly blinked the sleep away. He moaned as a headache set in and he blindly looked for his water bottle, which he had placed next to his bed.

When he hit a soft wall with his hand, he sat up and realized that he was not lying in bed, but on his sofa. His blanket with a green-and-yellow plaid pattern, which he had received from Rika for the inauguration, had partially fallen during the night so that his bare feet were exposed to the air and only the corner of his belly was covered. As he was running his left hand through his hair, a small stab in his hand made him shrug. He looked at the small cut that stretched over his left palm and tried to remember when he had gotten it. Had he been that drunk?

Scratching his stomach, he moved sleepy - or rather like a zombie - to the bathroom where he cleaned the wound and placed a plaster from the bandage box on the cut. Then he brushed his teeth and looked in the mirror. Man, you look bad. He washed his face and made his way to the kitchen to have a coffee. It wasn't a big kitchen, but it was equipped with everything important, such as an oven, a stove, a microwave, and a toaster. Additionally, there was a hot air fryer which was also a gift from Rika and he would never want to live without this again.

His apartment in general had a size of 79m² and a total of three rooms and the living room with a kitchen took up the majority of the space. The living room was equipped with a grey-black L-shaped sofa, that Zack liked to use once a week as a bed, a 45 inch TV, and a small table in between them.
Behind the sofa towards the kitchen was a milky glass table which can be extended if needed, and no, not a single scratch until now. Aleks loved this table. He and his friends found it after hours of searching and he immediately fell in love with it. In addition, his fully spartan bedroom not only had a bed and a closet but also housed his workspace. Three bookshelves - two black and one white - stood on one wall of the room, while an L-shaped white desk, which consisted of two single tables, completed the other two walls.
Above his desk were pictures of Rika, Zack, and him on a large cork wall, as well as pictures from the orphanage where he had grown up. At first, Aleks had glued them to the wall with Tesa tape. This changed, however, when Rika ran out of the room in horror and returned after 2 hours (no joke) with this cork wall. Every time a phase of hard work or learning began, these pictures gave him the necessary motivation. All in all, this apartment had become his home within the last five years.

People often wondered how a medical student without parents could afford to pay for medical school and an own apartment with three rooms in Los Angeles. Scholarships, there were his bread and butter and he was able to attend school and university through them. His apartment was also a gift from an unknown benefactor. The truth is he knew nothing about his parents so when he received a surprise letter containing the possession certificate for this apartment, it had almost knocked him out of his slacks. The agency that sold the apartment also had no clue, except that the apartment had been bought in his name shortly after he was born.

As soon as Aleks entered the kitchen, he saw the chaos - dirty footprints on the floor led to the kitchen table next to a grinding track. Bandages, dirty clothes, and imprints were smeared on and around the table. To the left of the table was a pile of tattered black clothes with reddish spots. He looked at the battlefield in shock. The memories of the past few hours abruptly returned. Panic rose within him and he needed to sit down to avoid tumbling on the floor. Several minutes passed in which Aleks recapitulated and processed what had happened.

"First coffee, then a solution," Aleks mumbled to himself. As the coffee machine simmered, he glanced with a concerned look towards his bedroom. Maybe he's gone. He might have woken up and left. Idiot. As if a blind, seriously injured man simply got up and went home when he was barely alive... He folded his hands and sent a silent prayer to heaven hoping that there was no corpse in his bed, because how would he explain that?

Yesterday I took this seriously injured person, who was obviously attacked by some criminal and lost a lot of blood, to my home instead of calling the ambulance. Ah, this blood loss is not possible without a large wound? Well, I just closed up the wound with my oh-so-great healing ability. Do you want to take me with you right away? I think I'm going crazy.

There was no avoiding it. He had to check whether or not the stranger was still alive. Then he would consider his next steps. He rose and hesitantly approached the bedroom. With trembling hands, he slowly opened the door and cautiously walked into the room. Carefully, he looked towards the bed and waited. His heartbeat was thumping in his ears, so he tried to calm down. Over the sound of the thumping, he heard deep, strong breaths. Aleks inhaled a serene breath and it was only then that he noticed that he had been holding his breath all this time.

Step by step, he approached the man on the bed. Come on, pull yourself together. This isn't the first time you've had a seriously injured person in front of you. Right, he's just a patient. And as soon as you see how he's doing, you'll call the ambulance and in no time he'll be gone.

Aleks tentatively touched his shoulder and shook it slightly. "Are you awake? Can you hear me?" No answer. He tried again. Still no reaction. Seeing that there was no response, Aleks began to worry about his many injuries. His doctor mode switched on and he began to systematically check the wounds. He removed the bandages and inspected the seams, disinfecting and bandaging them again. He then fetched a saline solution, which he kept in the fridge for emergencies, and attached it to the patient to help make up for the blood loss.

After that he took a water bottle to help rehydrate the man. With care, he opened the patient's mouth and paused. Fascinated, he looked at his upper canines, which looked longer and sharper than the others. He cautiously touched one of them with his thumb and hastily retracted his hand. The tooth had easily broken his skin and some blood had flowed into the man's mouth. Suddenly he was grabbed by a hand on his arm.

Belial was abruptly pulled from his sleep. The reason for this was the burning taste of roses on his tongue. Enveloped by the pleasant scent that had accompanied him into unconsciousness yesterday, he opened his eyes but saw nothing. Everything around him was black. Instinctively, he reached for the hand that had touched him and clutched it. He heard a surprise wheezing and felt the other trying to free his arm, but he held on tightly. He tried to organize his thoughts but failed as his instincts took control. He bit the hand that he still gripped and began to suck its blood. The person attached to the hand, beat and fought back desperately, trying to free his hand - all in vain.

The precious goods ran down his throat into his stomach, enlivening him. Abruptly, he felt an energy blast that forced him to let go of the person. He felt energy rushing through his veins from the blood he just consumed and exhaled with relief. The wounds that covered his body, the broken bones, everything began to slowly heal. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough blood. His destroyed eyes would take a while to regenerate. The smell of fear and panic soaked the air and cleared up his thoughts. Damn, he had just revealed his demonic self to a mortal.

"What are you?" a trembling voice asked. A man, not very old, if you consider the depth of his voice.

Astonished that he still didn't leave the room, Belial answered with a melodic voice. "Calm down, human, and sit," Belial commanded.

The reasons why demons until now could live in secret among human beings were; the ability to manipulate people for a short period with one's own voice and the ability to erase memory. The former, Belial would apply to his supposed savior so that he could gain some time to consider a solution.


Finally, the two main characters met.

But what will come next?

A loveydovey scene?

I hope you have fun and stick to it. I am happy about your comments, criticism and of course your recommendation.


Your Mouse Goddess

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