He didn't remember much, only that he had screamed the whole fall. His wings had broken free and fluttered wildly and uncoordinated. Inwardly, he said goodbye to everyone he knew and cursed his mate at the same time. About five yards above the surface of the water, Belial caught him. He wrapped his arms around Aleks' upper body and with a sweeping curve they flew back up the cliff.
Once at the top, Belial carefully placed him on the ground. Completely mentally exhausted, he sat there.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?! I thought I'd crash on the ground at full speed!", Aleks shouted at the ground more than Belial. His demon only raised his eyebrows. Stunned, Aleks stared at his mate.
"Calm down, Tsuka."
Calm down? CALM DOWN? I almost kicked the bucket! I wish I had puked on his shirt on the return flight, then he wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did.
"I think I should learn to fly," Aleks said after calming down a bit.
"You do."
"Please don't tell me that this was the training."
His demon shrugged his shoulders and replied, "How do you think birds learn to fly?"
Images of small baby birds thrown out of the nest by their mother appeared before his inner eye. Poor babies. But that's how nature worked.
"I have to go through this, huh?" Belial nodded.
"Did you too...?"
"Yes, only that I wasn't caught." Uh oh.
Aleks stood up and loosened his muscles. He briefly stretched his wings and then folded them back together.
"Then let's go, again."
Belial was surprised that Aleks shook off the shock so quickly. He had deliberately not warned him, as Aleks had to learn to fly intuitively. It had to become a part of him, as natural as breathing. They tried more times until Aleks' muscles were too exhausted.
In addition to combat training, flight training was now also added. His mate was a merciless trainer. Aleks now let himself fall off the cliff without fear, opened his wings, and went into a gliding flight. Ok, that worked. The first hurdle has been overcome.
Belial had flown next to him all the time to catch him just in case.
"Well done, Tsuka. Now let's practice a right turn. To do this, pull up the left wing and lean to the side."
Aleks tried to implement the instruction. He slightly lifted the left wing and fell into a slight right turn. His demon followed him.
"Very good, now align your wing back."
When Aleks wanted to withdraw the wing, a small gust caught it. This brought him out of balance, and he began to flutter like wild.
"Bel!" he shouted, and his demon was on the spot. He wrapped his arms around his angel, and they landed. He rewarded his beloved with a kiss.
"Well done. Let's continue." He heard only a groan.
After flight training came combat training again. Aleks was standing with Lao in the training area in front of the house. Lao stretched out her hand. A shadow flowed out of her hand and formed a kind of shield.
"Imagine a shield forming. Draw your magic out of your hand and shape it," she explained.
Aleks concentrated and tried to direct his magic out of his hand. He had learned to strengthen his hands with magic or to create the energy sickles. The light flowed out of his hand like a wobbly mass, but before he could even begin to shape it, his magic dissolved. As if you had simply pulled the plug.

Belial - a fateful night (Vol.1) ✅
ParanormalBelial froze, horrified. It didn't work? That is not possible. His voice had manipulated every human being until now. Is he immune? Or... "What are you?" Belial asked. »» ------------------------ ★ ------------------------ «« Belial has been searc...